The Friday before Memorial Day when we took seats and standing room early for the Tisbury School children’s March to the Sea with their flowers for our fallen military men and women was always so special to me. The teachers marching alongside there classes, the smell of lilacs and lillies in the air, the kids being carefully chaperoned at the pier where they tossed their flowers in, eighth graders carefully keeping them from falling off the planks. In later years that bench I sat on in front of Leslie’s Drugstore became very important to me. It was a ritual. Not just to see the children, but to sit next to George “Kilowatt” Santos. Sure, I would run into George at the market, in the drugstore, on the streets, and down at Cumby’s in the morning. But there we were, having a long catchup chat. I never think of this day without smiling about George Kilowatt Santos.

Speaking of long time Tisburians, wouldn’t you know Ria Cimeno caught my error in last week’s column. Did you see it? She wasted no time emailing and correcting me in how I referred to the town park where the children march with their flowers. It is called William Barry Owen Park, not the other name I gave it. For some reason, that other name has been stuck in my mind for years. My apologies, Ria. Thank you for being such a good proofreader.

The town picnic is at the Waterworks on Monday. Kids, boats, musicians, ice cream, food, you know the very welcome routine. I am counting on good weather.

How I wish I could join the summer women’s softball league. I think my sports career might be over. I’ll watch. Sue Sanford says call or text her at 508-364-6013 if you have an interest in being put on one of our teams. Play ball.

Camp Jabberwocky is preparing to open for summer staff and campers. Jabberwocky will have a work weekend on Friday June 2 through Sunday June 4. Bring your family and friends and donate time to this wonderful experience. Camp opens June 18 and there are many things to fix up. Please RSVP at

MikadoMV hopes to open by June 20 on Main street, in the building formerly occupied by Waterside. Kirby Thorne-Doyle promises an array of Asian food that will tickle your palate. So nice to see the empty storefronts filling up. I know some of you aren’t happy about town changes, but the new possibility of diners being able to order alcoholic beverages with meals in our town promises a better season for our businesses. Welcome to the ‘hood, Kirby and MikadoMV.

The other in the near future event was sent to me by the always efficient Sofia Anthony. The June Neighborhood Convention, to which all are invited, will be at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 6. The dancers from the Yard will join us for a performance but not at the Yard. Please go to the Chilmark Community Church and bring a sack lunch. Nothing like seeing your friends, neighbors and the incredible talent from the Yard. It brings to mind Patricia Nanon and my Best Girl, Teri Praskich, both so involved with the Yard in their lifetimes. Sweet memories.

The most beautiful photos arrived on my desk — a wedding last weekend of Dana Darcy and Kayla Manning on, where else, the beach. Little daughter Kylee was dressed in an outfit matching her mom, and happily held hands between the newly united couple. The friends, the clothes, the weather, the day was a beautiful song. May they live happily ever after.

The summer gang is arriving. Welcome to Khalil Khalil and Holly Towles who are back from their Florida winter. These two great people always arrive in time to celebrate their late spring birthdays on-Island. I want to see if Khalil had done any more paintings over the winter.

Sad news. Glenn Carpenter who used to work at the Gazette, died. Glenn was a lot of fun, extremely kind and interesting, and went on to make other people smile as he worked his other Island jobs. What a guy. Condolences to his family and friends.

Sympathy also to the family of Shirley Luce Kaeka who died on May 22. Shirley had relocated to Hawaii for years with her beloved husband, Danny. Hawaii was his old stomping grounds. I shall never forget when they both lived on Franklin street here and gave me Danny’s very hot Hawaiian peppers, beautifully grown in the garden by their home. These two were so very kind and loving and mischievous friends. Shirley had recently relocated to the our Island. I am pleased she was here with so many in her family when she passed. May they rest in peace.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Chris Osborn, Joanne Murphy, Melissa Fleming and Cathy Gallagher on May 26; May 27th shines on Shawn Townes, Shannon McAuliffe, Esme Ruth Towles and Christian Keoni King; May 30 is shared by Noah Aiden MeyerVon Bremen and Olivia Gomez Blanco; and on May 31 Tamma Cimeno Willoughby takes the cake. Many happy returns.

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