There is a new star shining over our Island. Lyra Littlefield, home grown here, and her husband, Dan Edelbach, welcomed Jemma Lynnmarie Edelbach on Monday, Oct. 9 at 8:36 a.m. Jemma made her debut at the Longbranch Monmouth Medical Center in New Jersey. She weighed in at 3 lbs. 1 oz and is 16 inches long. Jemma needs a but of time in NICU but will soon be ready to see her new room at her parents’ home in New Jersey. Paternal grandparents are Dan Edelbach and Dottie Valenzano of New Jersey. You all know her maternal grandparents, Earl and Rosemary Littlefield of our town. Lyrae is not sure yet when Jemma can visit the Island but watch this space for updates. Welcome to the world, Jemma Lynnmarie Edelbach.

I am still getting reacquainted with many Island friends. I was lucky enough to run into Devonne and Tsetse at Cumby’s. I saw Bruce Doten and Sammy Jo BenDavid at Stop & Shop. Tim Stobie was holding court in front of the post office. Everyone who retires looks so much younger. Tim looks the same as when I moved here. I cannot wait to meet his new dog, the apple of his eye.

We are so fortunate to have documentary filmmaker, Len Morris, in our town. Len is the founder, director, and producer of Media Voices for Children. Among his famous films are Stolen Childhoods, 2004, Rescuing Emmanuel, 2009, and The Same Heart, 2015. Len is now the recipient of the Iqbal Masih Award from the U.S. Dept. of Labor for his “extraordinary efforts to end the worst form of child labor.”

Thank you, Len, for all you do.

Our Vineyard Haven Public Library moves along with its exciting schedule. On Monday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre, the Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation presents a virtual walk through the Cedar Tree Foundation. All are welcome to this free event. Photographer Debra Gaines has an exhibit of her work at Art in the Stacks during regular library hours. And Philip Weinstein continues with his study of classic short stories for all of us. Philip’s next talk will be on Wednesday, Oct. 18. Check with the program director, Betty Burton, or the circulation desk for a list of the short stories to be discussed that night.

Photographer, Kathy Tarantola informed me that the Peabody Essex Museum is going to have an exhibit of Georgia O’Keefe’s paintings. If any of you will be in that neck of the woods, be sure to check with our libraries before you go off-Island. Teri and I made good use of library passes given out here for museums in America. It made going to Boston for appointments bearable so our days weren’t “all cancer all the time.”

Shout out to Tony Lombardi, Laurel Redington Whitaker and the excellent crew at Alex’s Place. My nephew, Jonathan Alexander Gardella, had the good fortune in August, 2016 to attend a week-long workshop on marketing your own music at this club last summer. Last week he had auditions for first viola in the Southwest Florida Youth Orchestra of which he is a member. Jonathan won the chair for First Violist. He wants to thank Tony, Laurel, and especially his mother, Nancy Irene Gardella, for all their support. Congratulations, Jonathan.

Moonstone is closing. This is heartbreaking for me. The staff at this lovely shop has been supportive, knowledgeable, and fun for years. I understand they deserve retirement but it shall leave a hole in my heart and on Main street. Our best to you, always.

Thoughts and prayers to Mary McClung, her dog, Kodiak, and all her friends and neighbors in California. Mary and Kodiak had to evacuate their home near Santa Rosa and are currently safe. But embers are falling in her neighborhood. This is so sad and so frightening.

Condolences to Liz Masi and her family on the passing of Precious, a most loyal companion.

Anniversary bouquets go out to Charles Redington and Carolyn Snow Redington on their 25th anniversary on Oct. 10. Anthony and Katelyn Masi celebrated their third anniversary on Oct. 11.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along newly minted lawyer Duncan Pickard on Oct. 10. And on Oct. 15, our artist Colin Ruel takes the cake. Many happy returns.

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