Despite the Saturday washout, the weekend weather weather allowed for plenty of outdoor work to get done. Our foliage is reaching about two weeks from peak color but leaves are beginning to fall rapidly. You can hear Roger Williams singing Autumn Leaves in the distance. Scarecrows and pumpkins dot the landscape these days in all parts of town. There were several yard sales last weekend and the Dumptique is busier than ever. Bow and arrow season for deer began on Monday.
Anna Alley returned home yesterday from a nursing conference in Marlboro, a trip to New York city with her friend Denise Mount a brief stay in South Yarmouth for an anniversary dinner and several days with our grandchildren Robbie, Henry, Eddie and Mark and their parents. Grandma took the kids to several places plus a seafood festival and a sleepover at her sister Nina’s house in Providence.
Lynn Christoffers returned home last week after a business trip to New York city and New Jersey.
Sam Alley made a business trip to Raynham last Saturday. He also got to visit with his nephews and do a little shopping before returning home.
Linda Alley, aka the jelly queen, reports that the second Winter Farmers’ market will be held tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Agricultural Hall. The market will be held every week until late in December except for Thanksgiving weekend.
Emily Gadd returned to her home in Boseman, Mont., last week after spending the summer months at her house. Emily reports that her garden produced a good amount of vegetables. She enjoyed her visit and her friends and looks forward to returning to the great Northwest.
Jill Carlton and her husband Pete Karman and son Alex are spending some time at her State Road home.
Peggy Stone reports that the annual town Halloween party at the Agricultural Hall will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Games, prizes, refreshments, fortune telling and a spooky hayride are planned. All are welcome. She is looking for ghouls to help in the cemetery! If interested, call the parks and recreation office at 508-696-017.
Oliva Larsen over at the library reports on upcoming events. On Saturday at 3 p.m. there will be a rock concert for kids featuring Jellybone Rivers and the Maniacs of the Heart performing rock versions of classic children’s songs. On Monday at 7 p.m., MVY Radio’s Dave Kish will screen a jazz film followed by discussion. Refreshments will served. On Wednesday the library will be closed until 1 p.m. for staff training.
On Sunday afternoon Oct. 31, 1971, 70 children gathered at the Agricultural Hall for the sixth annual Halloween party sponsored by Joe and Mary Ferriera. There was plenty of candy, cakes and other goodies for the affair. Tina Fisher and the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Arthur were busy in the kitchen fixing hot dogs, coffee, punch and doughnuts. Four prizes were awarded for costumes. Stephanie Hull was judged the prettiest, dressed as a small replica of Martha Washington. Funniest went to Alison Case, dressed as a frog in a hilariously creative get up designed and made by her aunt. Her brother Tim was judged most original in his mushroom costume. The prize for the ugliest costume went to a scarecrow that was so well disguised that knows one seemed to know who he or she was. The judges were Reverend Arthur and Shirley Mayhew. At five o’clock sharp, Fred Fisher arrived with a horse-drawn wagon to take the party participants on a hayride through the cemetery. It was reported that everyone had a great time.
Happy birthday to: Erich Luening, Jeff Serusa, Jessica Dupon and Lena Johnson, today; Bob Doane, Virginia Carmichael, Amy Hoff, Ted Powell and April Knight tomorrow; Susan Silva, Katherine Stackpole, Meaghan Gouldrup and Jacob Ferry on Sunday; Dianne Rothwell, Susan Faraca, Mark Bettencourt, Don Klepper-Smith, Julie Feiffer and Caroline Flanders on Monday; Betty Cottle, Paul Gibbs, Mara Coleman and Shirley Wilcox on Tuesday; Carol Koury, Doreen Rezendes, Dana Street and Sarah Mayhew on Wednesday; Sid Counsell, Laura Roosevelt, Sarah Bergeron, Amy Lawry, Paul Magid and Maureen Fisher on Thursday. Sunday would have been John and Abigail Adams 253rd wedding anniversary.
Well, that is all the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me.
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