Well Tuesday is the first of May when baskets may be hung on your door and May pole celebrations and dances announce the arrival of warmer weather and finally send old Jack Frost on vacation. Friday is Arbor Day. Buds are appearing on trees, forsythia is in bloom and daffodils are everywhere.

Anna returned home Thursday evening after visiting grandsons Eddie, Mark, Robbie and Henry. She also attended to some business in Providence, R.I.

Old friend Barbara Day passed away on April 14 in Florida. It was just 11 weeks after her husband Bob died in Sarasota. Barbara was proud of her Chilmark ancestors and both were active in town affairs. Our condolences to their family and many friends.

Phyllis Meras, of Music street, returned home on Wednesday after a business trip down to Atlanta, Ga. She reports that the weather was pure spring, and the grass as green as a golf course with flowers in full bloom.

Harry Athearn reports that his friends Bill and Betty Haynes recently returned from a cruise that took them through the Caribbean, Panama Canal and docked in San Francisco. They then flew to New Orleans, visited with Ellen Weiss, before returning home. Their cruise was featured on national television as construction work on board the ship upset many of the passengers. Bill said they had a wonderful time.

Happy Belated Birthday to Joyce Albertine, who celebrated her birthday at MV Chowder on Burger Night, with her buddies-Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Claudia Cannerdy, Hudson Lee and Colleen Morris.

Angela Grant, transit authority administrator, reports that the VTA bus schedule is gradually changing to the spring shoulder season. New schedules are available, and the summer season schedule will commence on May 18. Both contain a wide range of regional transit information and are available at most businesses in town.

Olivia Larsen, over at the library, suggests that you stop by the children’s room to see the latest art installation, which is a trip down memory lane. Before the old library was renovated in 2012, Tucker Hubbell had the idea to carefully remove a few of the beautiful creatures from the mural painted by Linda Carnegie in the early 2000s to enhance the children’s basement room. They were cut out of the sheet rock and stored all these years. They are pleased that Tucker was able to install these lovely creatures in the new children’s room and so the talent of Linda Carnegie is again on display for you to enjoy.

On May 2, 1964 The Grange held an evening of entertainment, interrupted by only a short business meeting, as they turned the Agricultural Hall into a café. The program was arranged by Mr. and Mrs. William McClure and Muriel Fisher. Edward Silvia served as master of ceremonies for the “floor show” which included numbers by Mrs. McClure on the chord organ, Dale McClure on the accordion and Frank Brown on the piano. Donald and Peter Fisher and Dale McClure presented a skit for the group. Miss Carol McGee performed a Mexican style modern dance and George Hill showed his skill on the drums and also as a comedian with his imitation of Frankie Fontaine. Miss Cathy Convery and William Luce performed several folk songs and the evening’s entertainment included a sing-along and wound down with dancing.

Happy Birthday to Emily Fischer and Colin Britt Friday; Priscilla Bettencourt, Ken Edwards, Cathy Campbell, Ben Hopkins and Bea Phear Saturday; Bob Schwartz, Charlene Baker-Weiss and Moura Vera on Sunday; Dick Kanabel, Sylvana Dole, Terry Kriedman and Daniel Pace on Monday; Jonathan Scott Jr., Charles Giordano and Jennifer Doyle on Tuesday; Stephanie Dreyer, Alexander Dorr, John Durfee, Elizabeth Van Landingham, Prudy Burt, Jenny Dowd and Justin Smith on Wednesday; Patrick Hart, Wendy Briggs, Lynn Flanders, Matt Taylor, Nick Puner and Greer Rivera on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Sharon Fiore.

Well that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.

Send West Tisbury news to alleys@vineyard.net.