The weekend weather was delightful. After church, many people had an opportunity to go to the beach. Lambert’s Cove was pleasantly crowded and the baseball fields were very busy. The Father’s Day weather forecast is good but dad will relax at least for one day no matter what the weather is like. The summer season officially begins on Monday. Yes, traffic jams in Vineyard Haven and Edgartown have already begun.

Fred and Jeanne Baron of Campbell Road returned home recently after spending the winter in California. Fred has already started planting their vegetable garden.

Dick and Diana Reiche of Runner Road and Wilton, Conn. have returned to their summer home on Town Cove. Dick reports that it is great to be back and looks forward to a busy summer.

Dr. Sara Rosenthal and Dr. Julie Prazich and their cat Alex, of San Diego, Calif. arrived last week and are vacationing at their house in the Cove.

Bob Luskin and his wife Charlotte Fallon of Edgartown Road and her daughter Nathalie are at their summer home.

Allan and Fran Kaufman of Teaneck, N.J. arrived last week for the summer.

Joan Siffert of New York city was visiting friends last weekend. She is planning to be here for all of August this year. Marian Irving reports sad news: old friends Charlotte and Sandy Earle passed away recently in Florida just 12 days apart. Their son Skip has made arrangements with Rev. Cathlin Baker for a memorial service in September. They had been married for 67 years and Charlotte had just celebrated her 89th birthday. Susan Whiting reports that there will be a festive memorial service for her husband Flip Harrington tomorrow at

11 a.m. at 112 Quenames Road (off Blue Barque Road). They will be sharing stories with good friends and family and enjoying plenty of food and drink. Please bring your stories and a dish to share. There will be a barbecue, so side dishes and desserts are welcome.

Suzanna Sturgis reports that you can register to vote at the library tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Applications for absentee ballots will also be on hand, along with all the info you need to participate in the Sept. 4 primary and the Nov. 6 general election.

The Parks and Recreation Committee reports that beach stickers will be available starting Saturday and every weekday thereafter from 9 a.m. to noon and weekends from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the West Tisbury School. For further information call the Parks Department at 508-696-0147.

Debbie Magnuson reports that the town picnic will be held Saturday from noon until 4 p.m. at the Agricultural Hall with a rain date of Sunday. Bring a lunch for your family and a blanket to sit on. For more information call her at 508-693-0081. Olivia Larsen, over at the library, reports on a special event: Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., join them for Archaeology I.D. Day. Bring any artifacts you may have discovered for expert identification by the archaeologists on hand. Father’s Day is on Sunday. It’s origin dates back to near the beginning of the last century when President Calvin Coolidge made it a national holiday and President Lyndon Johnson signed it into law with a presidential proclamation. A happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there. Happy Birthday to: Cynthia Riggs, Fred Barron, Joyce Currier, Alexia Garcia and Karen Dutton on Friday; Anne Fischer, Ruth Campbell, Mike Diaz and Gayle Poggi on Saturday, Joan Merry, Leslie Baker, Sandra Paiva, Bill Fielder and Max Nunes on Sunday; two special women from Webster, Donna Annese and Deborah Kokernak. Julianne VanBelle, Peter Eldridge and Randi Baird on Monday; Kirk Hammarlund, Nina Berry, Travis Thurber and Debra Levesque on Tuesday; Donna Eldridge, Danyon Russell and Lisa Magnarelli on Wednesday; Allen Look, Dawne Charters, Luke Bartkus and Connie Toteanu on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Lollie Nabors.

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