We now are at the beginning of tenant turnover weekend. Business people report that while it has been busy and the traffic terrible it seems to me it has been busier than last year. The weather has sure cooperated as we stand to have one of the warmest months on record. Richard Olsen, of North Tisbury, recently repositioned his herd of halfstein cows to take advantage of the August sun.
By golly, it happened again and traffic came to a standstill last Sunday night around 7 p.m. as three baby deer leisurely crossed the Edgartown Road and walked into Doane’s field near New Lane.
It is time to say goodbye to all the July visitors and wish all of you a fond farewell and trust that you have had a good summer vacation. We hope that you will come back and visit us next year. At this time we extend a warm and hearty hello to all of our new visitors.
The 61st annual Library Book Sale begins Friday. The hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday through Monday. The sale will be held in the school gym on Old County Road. For more information on the sale, contact the library staff at 508-693-3366.
Phyllis Meras reports that Mr. and Ms. Stephen Brown and Ms. Brown’s brother, Robert Cocroft of Wakefield, R.I., spent the weekend visiting the Browns’ son, Tyler, at the Cleaveland House. Tyler is spending the summer working at Sheriff’s Meadow. His friend Elizabeth Tarantino is an employee at the Grey Barn.
Tara Whiting, town clerk, reports that absentee ballots are available at the town hall. The primary date is September 4, the day after the holiday. If you are registered as a democrat, republican or libertarian, you MUST take that ballot. If you are registered, unenrolled or registered in another political designation you may choose any ballot. The last day to register to vote or change your registration information is August 15 by 8 p.m.
The 158th annual Agricultural Fair begins on August 16 and runs until Sunday at 6 p.m. Fair books are available at the Agricultural Hall office on Panhandle Road which will open on Wednesday when preparations for the fair will begin in earnest. If anyone wants to volunteer or work, stop by the Hall from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Janice Haynes, hall manager, wants to remind each exhibitor that all entry forms must be turned in to the staff by Monday, August 13 at 5 p.m. The fair book gives a complete schedule of events, plus details on all the categories should you be planning to enter an exhibit.
The Vineyard Transit Authority will again be extending bus service to the fair. A complete bus schedule will be posted on the front porch of the hall – or call the VTA at 508-693-9440.
The Blueberry Festival last Saturday was very successful and most likely had the largest crowd ever. It was a wonderful afternoon and very enjoyable.
Denise Mount and her husband Don Evon of Canton, Conn. will be arriving on Wednesday for their annual summer visit. They will bring along with them Tom Majeski of Boston.
Olivia Larsen, over at the library, on Wednesday at 4 p.m., financial aid expert Nancy Sinsabaugh offers a Financial Aid 101 workshop. She will review processes and answer questions that students and parents must navigate to qualify for financial aid. On Thursday at 7 p.m. the library will host a book talk with Cynthia Riggs in honor of her new book, Widow’s Wreath, which will be available for purchase.
With all the controversy surrounding vitally important social programs, a timely trivia item at your next party: Tuesday marks the 83rd anniversary of the Social Security Act signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Many of the negative things said about it are strikingly similar to what is being said of the Affordable Care Act.
Happy birthday to: Doug Ried, Mariko Kawaguchi, Max Decker, Skye Sonneborn and Nigel Smith on Friday; Stacy Haden, Beth Serusa and Allen Whiting Saturday; Julie Humphreys, Ralph Stewart, Dan Rossi and Amanda Lobb on Sunday; Pat Lynch, Mark Mazer, Jesse Oliver, Perry Garfinkel and Diane Hartman on Monday; Karin Magid, Dale Ferry, Eben Elias, Trevor Grimes and Anita Knight on Tuesday; Jim LeRoux, Liza Smith, and Sarah Carr on Wednesday; Dick Goodell, Ron Carroll and Shawn McCormick on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Minor Knight and Bruce Stone. Anniversary wishes to Bob and Ann Ganz who will celebrate their 55th.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
West Tisbury news can be sent to alleys@vineyard.net.
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