Island police were kept busy with an array of minor incidents over the weekend.

At about 3:30 on Sunday Edgartown police responded to a call at the Vineyard Vines store, where a stink bomb had been left inside. Police chief Bruce McNamee said fumes from the felonious prank ruined more than $1,000 of merchandise.

“The place smelled noxious,” the chief said.

After reviewing the store’s security footage, officer Nicholas Phelps identified the perpetrator as an adult man wearing a distinctive tank top. Later, while responding to a minor accident, Officer Phelps recognized the man and approached him. The man, 26, of Weymouth, admitted to the crime and taken into custody and questioned further. Chief McNamee said he was charged with a felony for defacing property.

The chief also reported that on Sunday morning two fishing rods worth more than $600 were stolen from the wharf in Edgartown.

Tisbury police Lieut. Eerik Meisner said police responded to drainage infrastructure issues after heavy rain overwhelmed the catch basin beneath the Beach Road extension near the Black Dog.

Kenneth Maciel, who works with the town’s department of public works, said water got underneath the road and had begun to undermine it.

The rain coincided with high tide and flooded the Five Corners area. Repair crews were on the scene Monday, and the short roadway was reduced to a single lane. Work continued on Tuesday.

In Oak Bluffs police Sgt. Michael Marchand reported 121 calls from Friday to Sunday. Police made six arrests ranging from disorderly conduct (pushing someone into the harbor) to bike theft to fake IDs. Two people were also taken into protective custody. Sergeant Marchand reported a few small accidents but said none were serious enough to require transport to the hospital.

Chief Jonathan Klaren in Chilmark reported no significant incidents, but said the town’s beaches were all full Sunday. “Even Squibnocket,” he said.

Police in Aquinnah and West Tisbury reported no weekend incidents of note.