Well, the record book on August has closed. It was hot, the humidly intense and very dry with less than one inch of rain the entire month.
We enjoyed a gorgeous Labor Day weekend. Cookouts and outdoor activities, including the beach, were the order of the day. Traffic was considerably lighter and parking spaces were not as hard to find if you went into town. Business at the Dumptique was brisk as a fair amount of people were dropping off items they enjoyed over the summer but no longer needed. Signs advertising yard sales were numerous. It was a perfect opportunity to clean up the yard and other outdoor chores.
Many college students have returned to their respective colleges and are settling in. The SSA boat schedule changes today so check it out. School buses are now on the road so be prepared to stop when you see red flashing lights.
Around this time of the year Joe Howes would remind people of an old saying that has proved to be quite true over the years. “You can tell what the coming winter will be like by how large the area of black is on the first white caterpillar you see this fall.”
Nicole Alley and her husband Arsen and children Robert and Henry came down for a brief visit to celebrate her birthday. They went to the beach and we all went out to dinner. Everyone had a good time and the older grandchildren were off to their new schools on Tuesday. Anna went up to help out on their impending move to a new house over Labor Day weekend and returned home Monday afternoon.
Tanya Larsen, over at the Council on Aging, reports that there are a few more spots available for the Sept. 29 theatre trip to see Miss Saigon. Round-trip motor coach to Providence, lunch, orchestra seating and all gratuities included for $140. Please give her a call at 508-693-2896 if you are interested.
A sure sign of fall is the start of the 73rd Annual Bass and Bluefish Derby on Sunday. Joyce Bowker, director of the Council on Aging, reports that the “fresh fish schedule” at the Howes House will be on Thursday’s during the Derby. Please call 508-693-2896 after 10 a.m. that day and the staff will know the amount of fish that will be distributed to the senior citizens in the up-Island towns.
Alan and Francine Kaufman, of Plum Bush Point, report that they have had a good summer. Francine reports that last week they had several house guests.
Jim Powell reports that the Kirby family held a large Labor Day cookout at their place.
Phyllis Meras’s houseguest this past week was Ms. Lee Diakopoulos of Greenwich, R.I. She reports enjoying the beach, shopping and the lovely weather.
Susie Boas, of Middle Road, proudly reports that she is a great grandmother! James and Kaitlin Marquedent of Stoneham are the parents of a son they named Conor. Congratulations.
Naomi Plankins, of New Hope, Pa. will be arriving on Sunday to spend a considerable amount of time at her Middle Road estate.
The MV Democratic Council will meet tomorrow morning from 9:30 till 11 a.m. at the Howes House. The guest speakers will be state senator Julian Cyr and state representative Dylan Fernandes who will each give a legislative update, and discuss the primary results.
Olivia Larsen, over at the library, reports that tomorrow from 3:30 to 5 p.m., the library will host a reception featuring Rob Hauck. His paintings will be on display in the Community Room throughout September. On Tuesday from 12 to 1:30 p.m., the library will host its monthly Wellness Clinic with Island Health Care nurse, Lila Fischer.
On July 15, 1947 James A. Austin, of Scarsdale, New York, for many years a summer visitor in Lambert’s Cove, purchased property on Paul’s Point consisting of more than 26 acres and 2,000 feet of shore frontage on Vineyard Sound from the heirs of C.F. Morse. Also included in the transfer is the bungalow on the point which Mr. Austin plans to modernize and enlarge to use for a summer home. Paul’s Point is one of the most prominent projections into Vineyard Sound lying between Lambert’s Cove and Cedar Tree Neck. The name derives from Old Paul, an Indian convert from Christiantown, who died in the 17th century.
Happy Birthday to Barbara Hull, Mary Bergeron, Iwan Tol and Ismael Calixto today; Harry Athearn, Dan Larkosh, Elizabeth Pickett Gray, Pat Mc Mahon and Joan Murphy tomorrow; Ben Sweet, Joanne Rice and Owen Jones on Sunday; Dot Fisher, Dan Larsen and Scott Campbell on Monday; Bob Holt, Ann Evasick, Maria McFarland and Paul Schneider on Tuesday; Tim Barnett, Lauren Beford and Deborah Shipkin on Wednesday; James Powell and Shirley Howell on Thursday.
Anniversary greetings to Dan and Candace Widmer, Pierce and Bernice Kirby on Tuesday; Danny and Cheryl Metell on Wednesday. Belated birthday wishes to Sig Van Raan. Belated wedding anniversary greetings to Matthew and Stacy Hayden.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.
West Tisbury town news can be sent to alleys@vineyard.net.
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