Well, Thursday is the first day of the fall season. We are thankful for all of our summer memories as September is slipping away as quick as you can say Jack Frost! We know he is waiting just around the corner and the cool rainy weather highlighted that fact.

Colleen Morris reports that on Wednesday she will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day. Folks are busy harvesting the last of their vegetables from their gardens and what few berries that was available for canning. People are settling into their fall routine as the sun is now setting before 7 p.m. It is almost time to to get a flu shot. Jane Konicki reminds you it is National Coffee Day next Thursday. My computer was struck by an illness thanks to Andy Braillard for repairing it in time for me to submit my column.

Jean O’Reilly and her son Andrew of Dublin, Ohio have been visiting her sister Eleanor and brother Arnie at Flat Point Farm. Jean reports enjoying the weather and quiet evenings at the farm. Andrew, on the other hand, has enjoyed the nightlife and an occasional adult beverage.

Denise Mount, of Canton, Conn and Vicki Galler of Boston visited with us last weekend. They did not get any beach weather but enjoyed shopping, visiting lighthouses and dining out. They prepared a wonderful surf and turf dinner last Saturday.

George a.k.a. Harry Athearn celebrated a milestone birthday with family and close friends at his Lambert’s Cove estate last Saturday night.

Naomi Plakins, of New Hope, Pa., arrived on Wednesday to spend some time at the family estate on Middle Road.

Robert Luskin and his wife Charlotte Fallon arrive home on Monday after spending a week in New Hampshire.

Brin Rosenthal and her husband Tom Weber of San Diego, Calif. Recently enjoyed a week at her house on State Road. They cooked out, entertained family and friends and went to the beach.

A backyard birthday party was held for two-year-old Alice Dodge last Saturday afternoon by her mother Kelly and grandmother Nancy Arruda. A good time was had by all the guests and Alice received many gifts.

Sally Raymond Thibodeau of Washington was here for the fair visiting her sister Ann Burt. Sally and Ann have judged senior baking at the fair for several years.

Ms. Marian Irving, formerly of Old County Road, has sold her house and moved to Hingham to be closer to her family. Ms. Sally Cunningham, formerly of Music street, has purchased the property and is looking to move in a month or so. Marian was a pillar of the church and always supplied me with news of coming church events. I wish the both of them well.

It was a big week last week for the Van Raan family. All the kids, Zoe, Sofia, Willie, and Jackson, came with their respective partners and infant, Benjy to celebrate Sig’s 73rd and Sofia’s 30th Thursday through Sunday. The highlight of the weekend was a dinner party for 30 guests under the stars followed by fireworks and a bonfire on Saturday evening. Great memories were made as the younger generation of his family takes on the legacy of festive events with friends and family.

The firemen held their annual picnic at Flat Point Farm last Sunday afternoon. The weather was seasonable and they avoided any rain. The firemen, their spouses, children and assorted guests that attended the affair had a wonderful time. The children enjoyed riding on the fire truck.

Olivia Larsen, over at the library, reports that on Monday at 7 p.m. WMVY Radio’s Dave Kish will present a jazz documentary and discussion. Refreshments will be served.

Happy birthday to: Katie Hough, Geraldine Brooks and Ann Richards Friday; Betsy Fisher, Nancy Nevin, Evan Fielder and Susan Huck Saturday; Charlie Kernick, Greg Pachico, Brendan Karalekas and Maria Lopez on Sunday; Celine Segel, Jason Kurth and Jill Murtha on Monday; Sandra Bernat, Mary Dacey and Laura Marshard on Tuesday; Susan Block, Eleanor Stanwood, Sara Alwardt and Marcy Holmes on Wednesday; Marilyn Hollinshead, Tony Rezendes, Allan McDowell and Susan Silk on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Jack Ryan and Emily Hall.

Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column.

Remember that tomorrow is Tivoli Day in Oak Bluffs. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.

West Tisbury town news can be sent to alleys@vineyard.net