Oak Bluffs selectmen met in an emergency meeting Tuesday to consider whether to call a special election with a ballot question to exclude the debt on the new town hall project from the provisions of Proposition 2 1/2.

Board chairman Gail Barmakian said the emergency meeting was called because the board was up against a 35-day deadline to call a special election that would coincide with the Nov. 6 state election.

Selectmen decided against that action, but are still considering a special election on another date.

Bids for the town hall project came in over budget twice this summer. As a result, another $1.3 million will be needed to meet the low bid.

A special town meeting is already set for Nov. 13, when it appears an article seeking the additional funds will be included on the warrant — if not by a vote of the selectmen, then by petition. Building committee chairman Bill McGrath said Wednesday that he had collected 175 signatures on a citizens petition to get the article on the warrant, well over the 100 required by law.

Last week selectmen postponed a vote over whether to bring the extra spending question before voters at the November special town meeting. The board next meets on Tuesday, Oct. 9.

Mr. McGrath said with a deadline looming for getting articles on the warrant, the petition was seen as a backstop. “If the selectmen are for it, they can say they’re for it,” he said. “If not it will still be on the ballot and the voters will have a choice.”