Oak Bluffs voters overwhelmingly approved additional money to build a new town hall as well as money to repair the roof, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for their town school at a well-attended special town meeting Tuesday evening.
After years of political squabbling, the town hall vote went through on a voice vote after brief discussion. Building committee member Steve Auerbach outlined a brief history of the project and urged voters to approve it.
“The project is essentially shovel ready,” he said. “We should do it.”
While no one spoke against the project, one voter wanted assurance that the town would institute a program of regular maintenance for all town buildings.
“You’re asking for a lot of money to be spent,” said E.L. Edwards. “I want some assurance that you’re going to protect that investment.”
A two-thirds majority was required to authorize an additional $1.3 million that will allow the town to accept the most recent bid and begin the project. The $1.3 million will be added to $9.9 million already approved at the 2017 annual town meeting.
The project still needs one more step. Voters will go to the polls on Thursday to decide whether to exclude the debt on the spending from the Proposition 2 1/2 tax cap. The ballot vote needs a simple majority to pass.
Polls are open Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs library meeting room.
Also Tuesday, voters approved $7.8 million for a new roof and other systems work at the Oak Bluffs School. Approval needed a two-thirds majority, and like the town hall money came on voice vote with little dissent. Voters took action against a backdrop of drip buckets and orange cones placed in the gymnasium behind the voter seating area, where the roof was leaking from Tuesday’s rainstorm.
Voters also:
• Agreed to spend $25,000 for repairs and improvements to Oak Bluffs harbor moorings and pilings;
• Approved $15,200 to fund the town’s share of a grant to create an asset management plan for wastewater district accounts;
• Approved $25,000 for the town’s share of a grant to build a pilot permeable barrier to prevent nitrogen from migrating into Lagoon Pond;
• Voted to return $86,000 previously appropriated for a wastewater study to the wastewater district account because the state granted a waiver from the required study.
A redundant article on the town hall building project, submitted by voter petition, was tabled.
A total of 217 of the town’s 3,929 registered voters turned out.
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