At a special election Thursday Oak Bluffs voters defeated a debt exclusion question for an additional $1.3 million to build a new town hall, throwing the project into limbo again.

The added spending saw overwhelming support on the town meeting floor Tuesday, but at on Thursday the question to exclude the spending from the state tax cap failed by 75 votes. With 665 voters casting ballots, 295 said yes and 370 said no to the question.

“I’m disappointed,” said selectman Greg Coogan, who was on hand when the votes were counted. “We’ve been trying to get a new town hall for 27 years, and we keep finding roadblocks to it.”

Bill McGrath, who headed the town hall building committee, echoed the disappointment. “I think it’s shortsighted, but the voters have spoken,” he said.

Plans to build a new town hall date to 2014, when voters approved a town hall project at the annual town meeting but defeated a debt exclusion measure two days later in the ballot box.

In 2017, voters approved a $9.9 million town hall project at the annual town meeting and in the ballot box.

But Thursday voters balked at the request for the additional $1.3 million, stemming from this summer when bids for the project came in over budget, even after cost-cutting redesigns.