The winter season officially begins next Friday. It also marks the winter solstice and is the shortest day of the year. So we must think positively as the days will be getting a tiny bit longer and seed catalogs have begun to arrive in the mail. All types and sizes of decorations, wreaths, outdoor lights and Christmas trees are being put up and decorated all around town. The spirit of the holiday season is upon us.
I am sure many of you have your shopping mostly done and are well prepared for Christmas. Some have everything all wrapped and cards sent like Jane Konicki and Judy Hall. However, some of us are just beginning that frantic mad scramble to get it all together for the holiday. We promised ourselves we would not let it slide after last year but, once again, are frantically working against the clock.
Katherine Long of Scotchman’s Bridge cordially invites you to the 40th annual Winter Solstice party on Sunday from noon to 9 p.m. She will be assisted by Glenn and Rosemary Jackson, of Stoney Hill and her sister, Mary Ruth and mom, Katherine. All ages are welcome. The party has become one of the highlights of everyone’s holiday season. Katherine says come when you can and leave when you must, just don’t bring your dog along!
Bob Luskin of Edgartown Road reports that his stepdaughter Nathalie flew the entire family to Paris for Thanksgiving so his son Peter could join them from his location in the Middle East.
Anna Alley went up to Nicole and Arsen’s newly-built house in North Attleboro for the weekend to help them and visit with everyone. She returned home Monday night.
Phyllis Meras was down in New York city last weekend. She returned home in time to put the finishing touch on the town holiday party.
Jen Wool is visiting the Vineyard next week after she and Dan Leventritt spent several weeks in New York city. They enjoyed several days on the LES at the Tenement Museum. They report that
they were drawn back to the museum’s remarkable, interactive social history presentations about the immigrants and families who populated the neighborhood as they looked for the American Dream. They also celebrated Hanukkah at Russ & Daughters and Barney Greengrass. She is excited to return to for all of the Christmas excitement, markets and to see her number one bestie, Jennifer Gardner.
Wendy Weldon reports that the holiday edition of the famous Summer Flea Market will take place at the Chilmark Community Center Saturday from 10 till 3 p.m. Handmade items for sale from Vineyard artisans and craftspeople include holiday crafts, jewelry, candles, knitted accessories and a whole lot more. Fresh holiday centerpieces and greens will also be for sale as well as food including chowder, sandwiches and baked goods. All of this is presented by the Chilmark Community Church.
Olivia Larsen, over at the library, reports that tomorrow at 3:30 p.m., the library celebrates the release of Heidi Schultz’s new book, Benjy Meets Some Wild Animals. She will discuss the process of writing the book and invites her friends who have read the book to share their reactions. On Monday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., all are invited to the library’s annual holiday party. Enjoy delicious refreshments, make a holiday swag and listen to the sounds of the Vineyard Classic Brass Band. Please bring a treat to share.
Happy birthday to Rick Karney, Cathy Brennan and Harvey Garneau Friday; Lisa Smith, Janice Cramer, Brandon Segel and Timothy Sylvia Saturday; Lynn Orlando, Sue Hruby, and Benjamin Rossi on Sunday; Amy Eisenlohr, Lynne Demond, Ann Holmes, Austin Racine, Amy Raines, Abby Webster and Peter Farley on Monday; Irene Tewksbury, Melanie Hiller, Sam Griswold, Nyama Wingood, Bob Levine and Warren Hollinshead on Tuesday; Janice Manter, Carl Alwardt, Pam Putney, Pat Hughes, John Thurber, Allison Carr, Logan Russell and Marcy Klapper on Wednesday; Rosalie Powell, Ray Gale, Laura Edelman, and Sara Roan on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Anne Howard and anniversary greetings to Bob Bunch and Sandra Polleys.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news about the holidays and guests at your house please call or e-mail me.
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