Well, the weekend weather began with temperatures in the mid sixties on Friday evening. Then we experienced heavy showers, wind and a good old fashioned thunder storm with a generous amount of lightening added in for good measure. And then it got gradually colder and windy. You see, Mother Nature is reminding us spring is not until Wednesday.
Tara Whiting-Wells, town clerk, would like to remind voters that the town meeting is April 9 at 7 p.m. in the school gym. The town election is April 11. The polling hours are 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. at the Public Safety Building. Absentee ballots are available. If you have any questions, call her at 508-696-0148.
Voters will be facing a 62-article warrant. There is one contested office on the election ballot. Also on April 3 there will be two public meetings at the library. The first at 11 a.m. will consist of Northeastern students presenting a demonstration project for bike and pedestrian safety on State Road in the area of Old Stage Road to the North Tisbury bridge. The second is at 5 p.m. when the selectmen will present information regarding the short term rental tax on the town meeting warrant — Articles 20-23 and petition article 25.
Phyllis Meras, of Music street, returned home last Wednesday evening after a business trip to Providence, R.I.
Many homes in town served the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner Sunday night to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. My wife Anna cooked an outstanding meal topped off with Irish coffee.
Allen and Lynne Whiting recently returned from a working vacation on Barbados. They read, relaxed, swam, painted, drew and wrote while soaking in the warmth and salt air. The 2019 flock of baby lambs doubled in size in their absence. Allen is grateful to his son Everett and the rest of the Whiting family for tending to farm details in his absence. Always good to get away; even better to come home!
Natasa Radevic and Bryann Darcy were married Saturday afternoon in Vineyard Haven. Bryann worked last summer at Alley’s Store. She is now managing the UPS shop in Tisbury. They had about two dozen guests, family and friends at their wedding ceremony on a lovely afternoon.
Lynn Eppel announces that the snowdrops are in full bloom in her parent’s yard. She has put pictures on social media to show the world.
The Martha’s Vineyard Republican Club will be holding a potluck dinner tonight at 6 p.m. at 34 Pine Tree Roard in Tisbury. It will be hosted by Joe Gervais.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival began yesterday at the Chilmark Community Center. There are several events scheduled all weekend. For more information call 508 645 9599.
Cathlin Baker reports that on Sunday at 3 p.m. there will be a concert in the church titled “Spring Forward” with David Rhoderick on piano and Atzic Marquez on violin. They will play music to accompany the afternoon springtime light and lift the spirit. The centerpiece of the concert will be Brahms’ 1st Violin Sonata (Opus 78) which the duo has been working on throughout the winter. Ticket prices are $15 at the door with children’s admission free.
On March 24, 1945 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Athearn of Crow Hollow received word from their youngest son, Cpl. Clifton H. Athearn, telling them of his safe arrival in France. They have two other sons in the service, Lieut. Elmer W. Athearn of the Engineers’ aviation battalion who is stationed somewhere in the South Pacific, and Sgt. Leonard B. Athearn of the Air Transport Command who is stationed in India.
Happy Birthday to Gabriel Nascimento, David Polishook and James Kelliher today,;Paul Jackson, Beverly Wright, Renee Metell, Dan Sauer and Peter Sawyer tomorrow; Madeline Becker, David Stanwood, Hal Child, Enid Haller, Nick Briggs, Ed Pierce and Carla Hutker on Sunday; John Nelson, Alexander Nagi and Trudy Russell on Monday; June Manning, Liz Hobbins, Pat Mead, Wayne Embry and Jennifer Allgood on Tuesday; Lynne Silva, Laura Murphy, Jackie Flynn-Morgan, Brenda Hayden and Kevin Peters on Wednesday; Susan Hodgson, Warren Mead, Holly Wayman, Ken Hurd and Jennifer Knight on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Sarah Anne Nelson.
Well that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. Please call or email me with your news. Have a great week.
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