Most of the folks that have to spend the winter away from Chappy seem to live in places where flowers and trees bloom about a month ahead of us. Just in case you’re one of those folks, the daffodils here are going full blast and the chorus of peepers is deafening. Suddenly the grass has a green tint. There are worms hiding under leaves that still need to be raked up. The dogwoods and witch hazel are splendid. Cats and dogs are having no trouble at all finding ticks. Some days the breeze doesn’t have a bite to it.
The Chappaquiddick Community Center will host the annual spring egg hunt on Saturday, April 20 starting at 3 p.m. Don’t be late! It’s an exceptionally eager bunch of kids. There will be tea in the great room afterwards.
The Community Center is looking to hire sailing instructors for the 2019 summer sailing program. The head instructor must be at least 18 years old with USSA level 1 or equivalent experience. The assistant instructor must be at least 17 years old with three years of sailing experience. Salary is $15 to $18 per hour based on experience. Instructors will be teaching children aged 8 to 12-plus on sunfish on Cape Pogue Bay. The summer sailing program runs from the last week of June through mid-August. Contact program director Sidney Morris at 774-563-0200 or at
The Chappaquiddick Ferry is looking to hire deckhands for this summer season. You must be at least 14 years old and pass a drug test. We can put you to work starting mid-June or when you get out of school and keep you busy all the way through Labor Day weekend. It’s a great opportunity to accumulate time and experience towards a Coast Guard license. Contact personnel manager Erik Gilley at 774-268-9330 or
Last year we started running short of deckhands at the end of August. We put up a sign that said Help Wanted in large letters. The smaller print explained further that we needed to hire deckhands. However, the big words were all that you might have time to read while driving onto the ferry. Several people, upon coming to a stop on the boat, told us that they had to get right home to put the ice cream in the freezer and that they would then rush right back to help out as best they could. Nice folks.
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