The Station Menemsha open house was a huge hit. Stashed in the midst of a number of dreary days, the sun shone bright in the sky, the wind laid down and life around the harbor was picture perfect. The Jayhawk landed and took off, fluttering flower petals in its wake, and awed children and adults alike. Conversations with coasties Justin Longval, Joel Behr, Christian Ortega-Santiago, Adam Smith, Justus Christopher and more were heartfelt and enlightening.
Members of the auxiliary flotilla 11-09 handed out flyers and offered information about boating safety. Please remember that if you’re on the water in a kayak or stand up paddle board you are required to have a life jacket and whistle on board. One exception is if you are operating solely in a roped-off bathing beach area. Just like any other vessel on the water you may find yourself being boarded for a safety check. Fines are stiff for noncompliance so be smart and be safe.
A small ceremony was held at the open house in honor of former coast guardsman and Menemsha lobsterman, Wayne Iacono. Wayne has been an active member of the auxiliary and was presented with a shiny plaque recognizing him as member of the year. Congratulations, Wayne.
This Sunday at 9 a.m. the Chilmark Church will hold its morning service in Menemsha, by the Texaco station, for its annual blessing of the fleet. All are welcome to come and participate as boats and captains from around the harbor are held up with prayers for a safe, enjoyable and, for the commercial vessels, profitable season. If you are new to the tradition, by all means stop by a few minutes early and let Pam Goff or Reverend Charlotte Wright know you’d like to be added to the list. You’ll also get to hear Morgan Douglas on the bagpipes, which is always a treat.
On a more somber note, news comes from the church that its former minister, Reverend Arlene Bodge, has died. Nun, nurse, minister, campground owner, friend and loved one—she played many roles and all of them well. In recent years she made her home at Brooksby Village in Peabody, Mass., where she and her cat Abby loved and were loved by many.
My condolences also go out to the family and friends of Chip Leonardi. I’ve known Chip since the early 1990s when he was the oven repairman at Papas Pizza where I served many of you hot slices on a chilly nights at those long wooden tables. Chip was a regular fixture, always with a smile and always ready for good conversation. We fell out of touch for a few years, with opposite schedules on opposite sides of a small Island that can sometimes get large, but we reconnected in Menemsha. We would chat almost daily regardless of whether he held a fishing pole or a broom, rake or shovel. He was a trusted Chilmark highway department employee and, under the guidance of Keith Emin, took pride in the beauty of our roadways. Chip, the face of our community will be just a little less perfect without you.
We’ll also miss Primo Lombardi, who made a name for himself slinging pizzas at Papa John’s and the Chilmark Store. He employed countless teens and college kids who were lucky to be part of his summertime family. In later years he turned to yoga and shared his calm and insightful demeanor with all. He may be gone but his spirit lives on in the lives of those he touched.
Suzanne Modigliani shared some information about David Modigliani’s newest film, Running with Beto, which airs on HBO premiere on May 28 at 8 p.m. The film follows Beto O’Rourke’s breakaway campaign to unseat Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate. It won the audience award at South by Southwest and showed as part of the Martha’s Vineyard Winter Film Festival. It will be shown again here in July.
Congratulations to Peter Ruimerman who graduated from Manhattan College this past week, also receiving the prestigious Ryan Medal for government. Pete will be back at the Texaco for the summer before heading off to grad school this fall.
I’m sorry to share that Irene and Bob Hungerford have lost one of their loving draft horses, Duke. His presence on the farm and at the Ag Hall will be missed.
Congratulations to my dear daughter, Bradley, for passing the national EMT exam.
Congratulations also to town accountant Ellen Biskis who recently passed the governmental accounting exam—no small feat from what I understand.
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