My son Chris Clark, showed up last weekend, sharing driving from Rockford, Ill., with my daughter in law, Lilly. My grandsons Corbyn, age 15, and Dominic, age 12, were in tow. Corbyn actually drove from Rockford to Gary, Ind., where he relinquished the steering wheel because he cannot drive out of state yet. By next summer he can do all the family driving.
We had a wonderful visit at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum last Tuesday night. What a beautiful and informative spot. The museum staff was so welcoming. Cahoots was playing outside, the weather was grand, many beautiful photos were snapped. Remember, it is free from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m on Tuesday nights.
On Thursday we had our long-awaited visit with Christopher’s aunt, Shirley Robinson. Auntie Shirl had not seen the boys since they were very young. She marveled at their height, their politeness, their school stories. She was blown away by the news that Corbyn was driving now. And then we sat to reminisce.
“Chris,” Auntie Shirl started, “Do you remember when you got out of the Marine Corps after five years? You came to the Vineyard for the summer and worked as a Tisbury traffic cop? On your first day on the job you gave me not one but two parking tickets when I over parked on Main street.” I had forgotten this true story. I thought Lilly, the boys, and I were going to fall off our chairs from laughing so hard Well, she might be Christopher’s Auntie Shirl but you can’t accuse my son of nepotism.
School let out on Tuesday. Now I get my helpers and dog walkers back. I am already upset to see some children biking without helmets on. Otherwise summer is a go. Don’t forget to sign up for the reading program at our library.
Those of us interested in the negotiations for our hardworking VTA bus drivers will want to attend the 11:30 a.m meeting at the high school on Saturday, June 22. VTA members will discuss the possibility of a strike, what to expect, and how to help bring a quick settlement to this dispute. Stay union, stay strong, I’ll see you there.
No one does a garden party like the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard. The date is Monday, June 24. The location is the historic former Daggett House in Edgartown, hosted by Andrea Ross at 59 North Water Street. The time is 5:30 p.m., rain or shine. There will be a live auction, a silent auction, and a ticket auction Please park at the Edgartown School and you will have a free shuttle ride. You may peruse the items being offered and bid online at See you there.
The birthday bandwagon pulled along Holly Towles and her husband Khalil Khalil. And on June 18, Sammy Jo BenDavid took the cake. Many happy returns.
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