It is time to say goodbye to all the July visitors and wish all of them a fond farewell. Come back and visit us next year. A warm and hearty hello to all our new visitors.

The weather has sure cooperated as we stand to have one of the warmest months on record. Richard Olsen of North Tisbury recently re-positioned his herd of Halfstein cows to take advantage of the coming August sun.

By golly it happened again: traffic came to a standstill last Sunday night around 7 p.m. as three baby deer leisurely crossed the Edgartown Road and walked into Doane’s field near New Lane.

The 62nd annual library book sale runs from today through Monday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, in the school gym on Old County Road. All books not sold over the weekend are free on Monday. For more information on the sale contact the library staff at 508-693-3366.

The Blueberry Festival last Saturday was successful, despite the sweltering weather. Anna Alley reports that 650 people attended. It was a wonderful afternoon and very enjoyable.

John and Goldie Siffert of New York city have arrived this week to spend some time at their home, the former God’s Pocket on Edgartown Road.

Warren and Marilyn Hollinshead look forward to their daughter Anne’s visit with husband Ted and their son Matthew. They are a great help with all those chores to do on the house and yard. They will bring some cooler weather. Sig Van Raan of Music street reports that he and his wife Susan spent two days in Boston recently where he attended a professional seminar and then they attended a Red Sox game. They also visited old friends and the newly restored Fogg Museum at Harvard. Last week Susan was in Baltimore for three days visiting the grandchild. She flew home on Sunday, their wedding anniversary. That evening they celebrated, as they do every year, with dinner at the Outermost Inn.

Last Friday Postmaster John Hirt held a ceremony on the front porch of the post office celebrating the release of a stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroad. It seems that John’s family had an extensive background in the railroad industry. David McCullough spoke of the significant impact it had on America. David, his wife Rosalee, John and the gathering joined in a spontaneous singing of I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.

The 159th Annual Agricultural Fair begins on August 15. Fair booklets are available at the Agricultural Hall office on Panhandle Road, which will open on Thursday as preparations for the fair begin in earnest. If anyone wants to volunteer or work, stop by the hall from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Janice Haynes, hall manager, wants to remind each exhibitor of the policy regarding entry forms. All entry forms must be turned in to the staff by Monday, August 12 at 5 p.m. This policy has increased efficiency and eliminated the line of people waiting on Wednesday afternoon. The fair book gives a complete schedule of events, plus details on all the categories and the necessary forms, should you plan to enter an exhibit.

Olivia Larsen over at the library reports another busy week ahead. Some highlights: on Saturday at 3:30 p.m., dog trainer Karen Ogden will present Training the Conservation Canine; on Monday at 7 p.m. join the first meeting of the West Tiz Book Club, led by Tracey Braun, for a discussion of Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver; also on Monday at 9 p.m. at the Grange Hall, stargazing with Mark Alan Lovewell.

I accidentally omitted from my thank you list from Anna’s birthday celebration last week a family member: Matt Hayden did a fine job tending the bar.

Happy birthday to: Fran Bradley, Charles Morgan, Cynthia Mitchell and Caroline Hudson today; Doug Ried, Mariko Kawaguchi, Max Decker, Skye Sonneborn and Mary Fohlin tomorrow; Beth Serusa, Robin Pershel, Greg Orcutt and Allen Whiting on Sunday; Julie Humphreys, Ralph Stewart, Dan Rossi and Amanda Lobb on Monday; Pat Lynch, Mark Mazer, Jesse Oliver, Perry Garfinkel and Diane Hartman on Tuesday; Karin Magid, Dale Ferry, Eben Elias, Trevor Grimes and Anita Knight on Wednesday and Ben Cabot, Jim LeRoux, Liza Smith, Cherry Powell and Sarah Carr on Thursday.

Belated birthday wishes to Minor Knight.

Anniversary wishes to Bob and Ann Ganz who will celebrate their 56th.

Well, that is all the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.

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