Be on guard for lots of bicycle traffic on Chappy roads as well as Dock street Friday morning. According to a poster, a bicycle tour to the dike bridge is scheduled for 10 a.m. Participants are supposed to bring their own bikes and gather at the whale tail. The approximate length of the tour is noted as 2 hours. Rain date is the following day.
The Chappy Community Center will host a ferry captain appreciation party on Saturday, August 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. to honor the Chappy ferry captains who have recently left to pursue other interests. This is an opportunity to thank Brad Fligor, Jeff Lamarche, Becca Hamilton Lamarche and Maddie LeCoq for their many years of service. Refreshments will be served.
Sadly, Jerry’s Place, aka the Chappy Store, will close for the season at 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 25. Everything in the store will be 30 per cent off Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Buy one ice cream and you get another one free on the weekend. The Chappy Store staff and the Chappy Kitchen thank everyone for their support.
Chappaquiddick artist Elizabeth Whelan will be one of several artists showing their works at Featherstone Center for the Arts in a show entitled Inseparable: science + art, inspired by the periodic table of elements. Her contribution is portraits of women in science. The opening on Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m., features a fashion show of Elizabeth’s co-curator Stina Sayre’s science-inspired fashions at 5 p.m. The art show will run through Sept. 15.
Though the CCC summer programs have ended, yoga and tai chi classes will continue through next week. See the CCC website calendar for the days and times.
Also, a reminder that the Chappy book club meets Wednesday, August 28 from 10:30 to noon to discuss The Girl in the Spider’s Web by David Lagerkrantz. You still have time to read this fast-paced gripping novel in the Lizbeth Salander series, since once you open the book it will be hard to put it down.
We are only two months past the summer solstice and already sunrise is a whole hour later and sunset not quite an hour earlier. The autumnal equinox is a mere month away. I predict colorful fall foliage since the vegetation is so lush with all the rain we have had.
If you plan on hauling a boat out of the water over the Labor Day weekend you are in luck. The high tides are predicted to be very high. High tides that weekend are basically lunchtime on Friday progressing to early afternoon by Monday. Likewise, the low tides will be very low. Good chance for one last clam digging for those who have to return to their winter homes on the continent.
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