Throw a little salt over your left shoulder before reading the column for good luck. Today is the only Friday the 13th of this year.
We are thankful for all of our summer memories as September is slipping away as quick as you can say Jack Frost. We know he is waiting just around the corner and the cool rainy weather highlighted that fact. Tropical storm Dorian arrived last Friday night and half of Saturday. It did not cause much damage it left us about three inches of rain, a few limbs fell, many SSA boat were canceled but by Saturday afternoon it was sunny and quite nice allowing for many weddings to be held.
Colleen Morris reports that on Tuesday she will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day. Folks are busy harvesting vegetables from their gardens and settling into their fall routine as the sun is now setting before 7 p.m.
It is almost time to get a flu shot. Jane Konicki reminds you it is National Coffee Day next Thursday.
A sure sign of fall is the start of the annual Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby on Sunday. Joyce Bowker, director of the council on aging, reports that the “fresh fish schedule” at the Howes House will be on Thursday’s all during the Derby. Please call 508-693-2896 after 10 a.m.
George aka Harry Athearn celebrated a milestone birthday with family and close friends at his Lambert’s Cove estate last Sunday night.
Stephanie and Ron Oboler of Makonikey and Montreal recently celebrated the marriage of their daughter Gabrielle to Zachary Schotz of New York and LA. They were delighted when the newlyweds arrived on Island for Labor Day weekend. A further Island celebration was hosted at the home of Susan and Sherman Goldstein.
Anna’s cousin, Jess van Niekerk of Derbyshire, England and her friend Susan Beatty of Oxfordshire, England, made their first ever visit to the Island. They stayed with us and thoroughly enjoyed their holiday. They were given an Island tour by Anna and enjoyed the quaint villages, beaches, shopping and restaurants.
Todd Goodwin, an employee at Alley’s Store this summer, has gone back to Boston after a summer meeting new people and enjoying his work at the general store. He reports it was a fantastic experience.
Happy birthday to: Shirley Howell, Margaret Snow and Wayne Greenwell today; Katie Hough, Geraldine Brooks and Ann Richards tomorrow; Jane Flanders, Betsy Fisher, Nancy Nevin, Evan Fielder and Susan Huck on Sunday; Charlie Kernick, Greg Pachico, Brendan Karalekas and Maria Lopez on Monday; Celine Segel, Jason Kurth and Jill Murtha on Tuesday; Sandra Bernat, Mary Dacey and Laura Marshard on Wednesday; Susan Block, Eleanor Stanwood, Sara Alwardt and Marcy Holmes on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Jack Ryan and Emily Hall. Anniversary wishes to David and Eleanor Stanwood today.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column.
Remember that tomorrow is Tivoli Day in Oak Bluffs. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.
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