The crispness of the autumn air is refreshing in Aquinnah. The crickets chirp along with the cicadas keeping time like an old metronome sitting on the mantel. There are no beach plums this season. Not sure if it was due to the hot and humid weather or the winds of hurricane Dorian.

All was quiet on Philbin Beach on Monday until the report of a stranded dolphin. Aquinnah Wampanoag tribal natural resources director Bret P. Stearns and his staff went to the rescue. Bret, who is highly trained at marine life rescues, was able to assist the dolphin and help it swim back into the surf and continue on its intended journey.

Menasha Leport, daughter of Darren and Nancy, has returned to Tabor Academy for her junior year studies. Coltrane Leport will resume his studies at Hobart and William Smith College in January.

Charles Madison and his family returned to Philadelphia, Pa. this past week after their annual vacation and a visit with family and friends while attending the Aquinnah Wampanoag pow wow. Charles especially looks forward to his annual visit with Anne Vanderhoop Madison.

Cynthia Middleton and her family have been at their Lobsterville home throughout most of the summer.

Get well wishes to Nancy Polucci, a patient at Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Charlestown following a recent injury. Cards may be sent to her at Spaulding Rehab: 300 First avenue, Boston, MA 02129.

The winds were fierce, the rain was strong but Hurricane Dorian could not stop Whitney Desmond Swolinzky

, daughter of Jay Desmond and Wendy Swolinzky, from marrying Walker Ryan at Flat Point Farm on Friday, Sept. 6. Hugh Taylor opened with a song, and Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish had every guest out of their chairs rocking out all night long.

Barbara Bassett, Lisa Vanderhoop, Jeannie Wilson, Tara Gayle and Ruby Hoy grew, gathered and arranged all the incredible flowers. Theresa Manning of Quitsa Cuisine catered a delicious feast. Whitney and Walker reside in Venice, Calif. and are presently on their honeymoon in Crotia.

Lisa Bibko Vanderhoop entered an international photo contest months ago (one that she has always admired) with a few photos and then kind of forgot about it. To her surprise she is one of their 2019 finalists. The competition is called the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards and has grown into a global sensation. To see Lisa’s photos go to

Happy fourth anniversary to Taylor and Sarah Ives on Sept. 19.

Happy 15th anniversary to Dan Sauer and Wenonah Madison on Sept. 25.

Happy Birthday wishes this week to Philip Wiesner on Sept. 21 andJeffrey Madison on Sept. 24. Landry Harlan and James Sanfilippo will party on the Sept. 25. Hillary Smith, Susie Wallo and Spa Tharpe will celebrate on Sept. 26.

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