September is slipping away as quick as you can say Jack Frost! The ducks and geese have begun their trek southward and for years that has included a brief rest stop in the Mill Pond to relax and refresh.
Dr. Bruce Carlton and Julia Roundy of California arrived on Tuesday with three house guests. Bruce is an avid fisherman and will be taking part in the Derby.
Dave Coleman and his wife Betsy of Harwich visited with Harry and Debbie Athearn of Lambert’s Cove last Sunday. Harry took them all out for breakfast, drove them around the Island and had a nice visit.
Libby Fielder at the West Tisbury Congregational reports that today at 11 a.m. the church bell will ring for 11 minutes in support of the global climate strike. James and Diane Pagnotti, of Old Forge, Pa, returned home last Saturday after spending a week on the Vineyard celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary. Diane reports that they enjoyed the weather, beaches, dinning out and traveling around the Island. Phyllis Meras of Music street returns home today after a business trip to New York city and Boston. She had time to visit a few old friends before leaving the city.
Naomi Plakins of Middle Road hosted Anna, Sam, Phyllis Meras and me at a dinner at her house last week. A fun time was had by all.
Anna Alley went off to visit the grandchildren in North Attleboro on Wednesday. She was met in Falmouth by our house guests Jess and Susan who had gone to the Cape on Monday to whale watch.
On Sept. 25, 1945 an important wartime board went out of existence with this notice posted by Albion A. Alley its chairman. “Residents of the areas served by the War Price and Rationing Board will now be under the jurisdiction of the Tisbury Board on and after October 1st. Residents will be able to secure application blanks at S.M. Mayhew’s store or through the mail.” He promised that applications would be processed promptly and that ration coupons or certificates will be mailed to applicants without delay. The Board began operation just three years ago, meeting at the Civil Defense Headquarters, it was the former home of Ellen Logan, on Edgartown Road. The board approved of applications to purchase automobile, truck, and tractor tires, gasoline rationing cards and coupons to purchase rationed food products.
Happy birthday to Marilyn Hollinshead, Tony Rezendes and Susan Silk today; Larry and Judith Schubert, Kim Serpa, Ben Gunn and Amanda Dickinson tomorrow; Ted Lowe, Carole Kimberly, Nancy Strecker and Mike Mazza on Sunday; Kathy Lobb, Niki Patton, Terre Young, Granville White, Mike Donaroma, Kathy Triantafillo and Sean Conley on Monday; Timothy Williamson, Lydia Olsen, Marjorie Pierce, Cheryl Metell, Jeff Madison, Heather Sharp, Joanie Wilson and Muriel Laverty on Tuesday; Manuel Estrella 3rd, Cynthia Wayman, Kali Wingood and Caleb Soares on Wednesday; Ann Fielder, Jennifer Wilcox, Ruben Sampson and Ashley Hunter on Thursday.
Belated birthday wishes to Melissa Thomas and Jack Ryan.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.
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