Well, the last weekend of summer was delightfully warm and sunny. Sunset is getting earlier by the day, plus cooler temperatures are on the way. Roger Williams can be heard in a distance playing the piano and singing his classic Autumn Leaves. Harry Athearn reports that Tuesday is International Coffee Day and Thursday is Taco Day. Susan Block reports that last Sunday afternoon there was a commotion on Music street. She watched 22 wild turkeys cross the road, bringing traffic to a halt. Many of the drivers or passengers got out of their cars to film the event. But all the turkeys made it safely down her driveway.
Congratulations to Leon and Brenda Brathwaite, of Vineyard Meadow Farms, who recently celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary with friends.
Phyllis Mera hosted Naomi Plakins and John and Anna Alley for dinner last Tuesday night at her house.
Harry Athearn, trustee of the Agricultural Society, reports that the Fall Festival and annual Antique Power Show will be held on Veterans Day weekend this year.
Lynne Demond, of Indianapolis, Ind., has been staying at her place for a few days and enjoying the fall weather on the Vineyard.
Wendy, over at Vineyard Gardens, reports that on Saturday, Oct. 5 from 11 to 3 p.m. Vineyard Garden’s will hold their 29th harvest festival at the nursery on State Road.
Olivia Larsen, over at the library, reports that tomorrow at 3 p.m., join them for a free screening of the documentary, Inviolable–The Fight For Human Rights followed by a discussion with the film’s director, Angela Andersen.
Happy Birthday to Cathy Peters, Joy Washbrook and Moira Silva today; Lynn Christophers, John Abrams, Jill Bouck and Frank Flanders tomorrow; Kent Healy, PJ Kirby, Jr., Susan Spense, Becky Cournoyer, Phoebe Potts and Ellen Bunch on Sunday; Richard Andre, Pam Thomas, Linda Izzo, Chris Stein and Wesley Look on Monday; Ellen Gaskell, Rachel Rooney, Barry Donner and Doug Hake on Tuesday; Barbara Bennett, Anna Barber, Robert Tonti, Coco Adams and Christy Phillipps on Wednesday; Tess Bramhall, Jim Young, Zack Post, Teresa Thompson and Kathy Logue on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Christy Knoff.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.
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