That was quite a northeaster with winds that never subsided for nearly 72 hours. It felt a little more turbulent residing on the north side of the Island with the waves crashing along the shore and the windows rattling. Aquinnah was rather unscathed with only a few limbs falling along the roadside. Monday was back to the usual autumn air. Winterberries are already in view.

Don’t forget Electronic Disposal Day and Ladyfest are on Oct. 19.

Lisa Bibko-Vanderhoop has circulated her 2020 Vineyard Seadogs calendar. Of interest, on the October 2020 page, Lisa captured a photograph of Captain Buddy reeling in a striped bass at Squibnocket. The following day, Captain Jonathan Mayhew was in the same exact spot and as Buddy reported, Jonathan was confronted by a great white shark. So much for fishing at Squibby for the time being.

Corinna Majno will return to her home in California after a detour to West Virginia to attend the wedding of her niece, after having spent three weeks at her Aquinnah home. We had a great visit. Her husband Ken Kaufman flew in or a week to join her. Who knows, we may see them in a month or two like 2018.

Theresa Kistner Manning returned home on Saturday after spending the week with her sister Deborah in Wilmington, N.C. Their middle sister Liz was ill with the flu and was unable to join them.

Louise Petersiel returned to her home in Swampscott after the storm subsided to spend the winter with her daughter Erica. Louise has spent the summer across the way while working at the Chilmark Store and at the Chilmark Tavern with her daughter Jenna.

Congratulations and all the best to Isaiah Scheffer and Emma Green-Beach on their marriage on Oct. 4 on Cuttyhunk. I literally ran into them in the Chilmark town hall parking lot as they were racing in to obtain their marriage license and I promised to keep it a secret until after their special day.

Capt. Buddy Vanderhoop and his wife Lisa Bibko-Vanderhoop enjoyed a recent visit from his daughter Nicole Vanderhoop and her friend Steve. They visited with her grandmother Anne Vanderhoop Madison and many other family members and friends before returning to California.

Sincerest condolences to Todd Jernberg and the family and friends of Steven Brunelle who died unexpectedly on Oct. 11 in New Hampshire. Todd and Steven lived in Tisbury while Todd worked in the tribal health office. Services were held in Hudson, N.H., on Wednesday.

Across the channel at USCG Station Menemsha, all the best to Sam Hoppe who has started A School classes in aeronautical mechanics at Elizabeth City, N.C. Sam and his mother had traveled to Cambodia over this past year to visit his sister and her daughter who is teaching there. He will return to the Vineyard briefly before heading to his next assignment.

Congratulations to Commander Joseph Berini of USCG Auxiliary 11-09 who was re-elected on Oct. 12 to serve as the commander for the next year. Congratulations to Brien Hefler as he was elected vice-commander for the coming year. I am sure his parents Peter and Janet Hefler are very proud. Joe anticipates more training programs over his next term. Most days you will find Joe and Wayne Iacono standing watch in the radio room which David Pothier attends to on Saturday mornings.

Happy anniversary wishes to Curtis Langer and his bride Molly Purves on Oct. 10.

Happy 17th anniversary to James Mahoney and Melissa Nichols on Oct. 19.

Happy birthday wishes to Pearl Vercruysse on Oct. 21; Jenna Petersiel celebrates on Oct. 22. Chris Belain will party on Oct. 23; Curtis Langer parties on Oct. 24 and shares the day with Isaac Taylor. William Cotton Runyan will celebrate his third birthday on Oct. 25.

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