I am thrilled we had two Halloweens this year. Our children’s parade and the famous William street shutdown for revelers in costume was moved to Saturday night. Yes, some adventurous children made it out on Oct. 31. Then a reboot on Saturday. One of my friends on William street claims 1,600 pieces of candy were passed out from his home. I believe it. Perhaps two Halloweens is the way to go.

As you know, the second big gale we had a few weeks ago murdered my Toyota. Wes Stokes kindly cut up the tree that had impaled it, broke windows, broke the windshield, broke the frame. A very kind mystery Islander went by it last night or early today and covered up the broken areas with a tarp. Thank you so much.

Our Red Cross blood drive exceeded our goal. A big thank you to all who donated.

Unfortunately, the free vegan dinner at the P.A. Club that was scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 7 has been postponed. Stay tuned to learn the raindate. And thank you again to Samuel Armstrong for all your hard work on this matter.

The annual raffle for Martha’s Vineyard low license plate numbers runs from Oct. 11 to Dec. 16. This fundraiser benefits our Martha’s Vineyard community services. You can join the raffle at info@mvlicenseplate.com. I hope you pick a winning number.

A winning number of turkeys, 12, followed my friend Tamma when she walked my little Silvio on his leash down to the tennis courts. They are used to us feeding them at my house. I guess they thought Tamma lined her pockets with cracked corn along with her biscuits for Silvio. And Broken Wing is almost ready for the Turkey Olympics! He is flying again. Only those of us who know and love him notice a little droop on his right side.

Pathways in Chilmark celebrates eight Island artists who have been recognized by the Martha’s Vineyard cultural commission. They are: Richard Limber, Susan Johnson, Julia Mitchell, Dan Waters, Cheyanne Vandall, Bill O’Callagan, Kate Feiffer and the amazing Bella. A reception in their honor and a display of their work will be held at Pathways on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

And after that, by all means, get to the Cardboard Box in Oak Bluffs for the benefit for Sabrina Luening. Ben DeForest has assembled many bands, a silent auction and lots of fun for Sabrina’s many friends. Party goes on till last call. I’ll see you there.

I worry about all Californians, and especially our seasonals, Marvin Klein and Susan Kanowith-Klein, who had a fire close to their backyard. Evacuation was not mandatory but suggested. I am praying for them and all Californians.

Pray also for my friend, Andy’s parents who are having health issues in Rochester, N.Y. Their names are Blas Antonio Aponte and Porfidia Rentas. Blessings to them.

Get well wishes also go out to Leide Prata.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Arthur Ferro on Nov. 8, and on Nov. 11 Willa Shalit takes the cake. Many happy returns.