Well this is Veterans Day weekend. The library, schools and the post office will be closed on Monday.
Jack Frost left his calling card twice and vows to be back soon but the weekend weather was seasonable, allowing everyone to get a lot of outdoor chores done — water shut off, leaves picked up, outside furniture stacked carefully on the deck, and wood stacked near the stove. Because of my recent illness, our son Sam did it all!
Thanks to Anna, Charlie Kernick and Pierce Kirby for pinch hitting over at the post office. I hope to be better soon and back on the job.
You may have noticed the deer have been moving around lately. Susan Block sees them in her back pasture nearly every morning.
The days are growing shorter as the sun is setting around 4:20 p.m.
The Veterans Day holiday was created to acknowledge the armistice that ended WWI. Over 60 years ago the day was rededicated to honor the veterans who fought in all of our countries armed conflicts. Let us pause for a moment over the weekend to remember all of those who have gone before us.
Jane Konicki, up in Webster, reports that National Doughnut Day is on Saturday but don’t fret there will be another one in June.
Harry Athearn reports that the annual meeting and election of officers and trustees of the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society will be held on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Olivia Gately, over at the library, reports that on Friday, Nov. 8 at 5 p.m., Brian Athearn, president of the Agricultural Society and head of the hunt club, and Marie Ambrose, IGI gleaning program coordinator and volunteer manager, will discuss the collaborative venison donation program to the Food Pantry and the cooler rental that provides space for hunters to process deer. And on Saturday at 3:30 pm, Dan Waters will give a presentation about his photographic project capturing everyday life on Martha’s Vineyard.
In July of 1949 the home and community service committee of the Grange selected as its project of the year to purchase and erect an honor roll monument listing of all the war veterans before Armistice Day. The town presently does not have a war memorial plaque recognizing those that served in WWI or WWII. The Grange intends to purchase and locate, in a prominent place in town, such a plaque bearing all the names of the men that served in the armed forces in both wars including those that sailed in the Merchant Marine. Some money has already been raised and in order to raise more funds penny sales will be held. If you have never been to a penny sale it works like this; you must bring a small article to be auctioned off, and the necessary change to purchase articles you may be interested in. You are guaranteed that a social and amusing evening will be in store. Co-chairmen of this work group are Miss Elizabeth Manter and Mrs. John Sullivan. They raised all of the necessary funds, purchased a monument including a brass plaque from Manuel Santos of Edgartown. Maude Call, Master of the Grange, dedicated it to all those servicemen listed on Armistice Day in the triangle opposite Parsonage Pond.
Happy birthday to Autum Richards, Mary Lee Schroeder and Joe Turney on Friday; Sharon Estrella, Jane Coakley and Erin Leighton on Saturday; Binney Ravitch, Teresa Nelson, Keith Olsen, Robin Nagle and Ken Hurd on Sunday; Prudy Carter Donovan, Richard Cohen and Amy Cash on Monday; Michael West and Linda Talbot on Tuesday; Lucy Mitchell, Bob Gothard, Rosemary Jean Jackson, Cheryl Kram, Mary Jo Joiner and Cynthia Eakin on Wednesday; Geoff Currier, Bob Luskin, Jason Flanders and Wendy Hitchcock on Thursday.
Happy 12th anniversary to Nicole Alley and Arsen Hambardzumian on Monday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or email me.
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