Well, this winter has been mostly mild, much like last season. Despite the weather, spring will arrive in a mere 13 days and that will not be soon enough for many of us. Meteorologists have predicted when this winter ends it will be the second warmest since record-keeping began.
Up Island gas station closed for about a month on Monday to have new pumps installed and some other items to keep up with the times. Another sure sign of spring was a young lady going into a local coffee shop yesterday with the shortest of skirts and mud boots that made a few heads turn!
Tara Whiting-Wells, town clerk, reports that anyone who may need an absentee ballot for the April 16 election needs to request a form. It can be done two ways through her or the state website. The last day to register to vote in the annual election is on March 25 and she will be open until 8pm. Michael Bellissimo will oppose Kent Healy for selectman and Leon Brathwaite and Peter Wells are running for the open seat on the Land Bank Commission.
Phyllis Meras, of Music Street, hosted a dinner party at her house last Friday night celebrating Tom Thatcher’s 93rd birthday. It was a swell party. Many of Tom’s friends came by and a lot of adult beverages were served with a generous amount of good food.
A rabies clinic will be held tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Fire Station Two on State Road. The fee is $25 per animal and all dogs and cats must be in carriers.
Olivia Larsen, over at the library, reports on next week’s activities: Tomorrow from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, the library will host an reception for Island artist Beth Parker, whose work will be on display in the library’s community room throughout this month. On Sunday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., the Island Climate Action Network invites you to their winter meeting. From 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. there’s a group art reception featuring several island artists who were prompted to create something new inspired by the word “light,” including Hillary Noyes-Keene, Rachel Rooney, John Larsen, Jack Ryan and many others. At 3:30 p.m. you are invited to a live jazz performance featuring John Alaimo, Eric Johnson and Tauras Biskis. On Tuesday from noon to 1:30 p.m., the library will offer its monthly blood pressure clinic.
Happy Birthday to: Leslie Monast, Doug Seward, Patricia Kirwin and Hans Adcock today, Jeanne Barron, Polly Bassett, Mike Eldridge and Ram Wingood tomorrow, Amelia Pennington, Elizabeth Mahoney and Wayne Arruda on Sunday, Suzanne Angeley, Jane Konicki, and Shannon Rynd-Ray on Monday, Sue Merrill, Jeff Entner and Max Currier on Tuesday, Whit Griswold, Alix Small, Eileen Maley, Allison McMorrow, Mike McCormick and Carol Brush on Wednesday, Blair Emin, David Desmarais, Janet Sylvia, Sydney Johnson and Talia Segal on Thursday.
Remember that daylight saving time begins Sunday morning and set your clocks ahead at bedtime Saturday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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