Lisa Dawley is the manager of the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard.

She and Gordon Healy usually work together at the shelter, taking caring of the animals and trying to find them permanent homes. But now they alter their schedules so only one person is in the office at a time.

“It’s really quiet here,” Ms. Dawley said. “Usually we have children’s groups come in and special needs groups visiting. Now the animals only get to look at my face and Gordon’s all day long.”

“They are extra cuddly,” she added. “I think they know something is going on.”

And yet the mission of the shelter continues, but instead of people coming in to potentially choose a new pet they visit through Facetime. And there are still plenty of animals to visit with, from the Guinea Pig brothers (Mr. President and Dolphin) to the cats — Angus, Hazel and Holly.

Ms. Dawley said that if an animal comes in with a name she sticks with that name, but if there is no name she likes to give them human ones.

Last week Mac the barn cat finally found a forever home and this week Tawny the juvenile, dwarf Dutch bunny had a Facetime visit with a young girl. Tawny arrived at the shelter as a stray, left out in the woods as a baby with her mother and sister. The mother and sister didn’t survive but Tawny flourished at the shelter, but was getting lonely Ms. Dawley said.

Tawney was a hit on Facetime and on Wednesday left the shelter to begin her new life as a young girl’s pet rabbit.

Ms. Dawley said the shelter also has free dog food if anyone needs it and they are available to take care of animals in case of emergency.

“We had a cat come in this week because a person lost his housing,” she said. “We are here for people and we will get through this.”

Bill Eville