West Tisbury selectmen have set June 23 at the date for the annual town meeting, which will be held this year in the Oak Bluffs Tabernacle. The town will also go to superior court seeking permission to reduce the quorum from 130 voters to 30, a one-time move due to pandemic.
After discussion at their weekly meeting Wednesday, selectmen determined that the Tabernacle, a large open-air venue, will be the safest location for the annual town meeting. They also said it is the cheapest option, as the town will not be charged by the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association to use the venue. The town will have to pay for staffing. Two other possible locations — the high school athletic field and the Agricultural Society field, would have come with a price tag of $12,000 for rental of a tent.
“It’s a lot of money to spend . . . especially when we are being asked to trim the budget,” said town treasurer Kathy Logue, voicing her approval of the Tabernacle over the alternatives.
Selectmen Skipper Manter and Kent Healy at first opposed the idea. They said parking will be a challenge. And they took issue with holding town meeting in another town.
Town administrator Jennifer Rand said traditionally town meetings must be held in West Tisbury. But under the state of emergency declared last month, an exception allows the meeting to be held in a town that shares a border, she said.
In the end selectmen settled on the Tabernacle as the best option. Town moderator Dan Waters also voiced his approval. Selectmen said transportation to the meeting will be provided to voters, with details still to be determined.
Selectmen also authorized town counsel Ron Rappaport to go to court to reduce the quorum, which is set by town bylaw.
Other towns around the commonwealth are taking similar steps to reduce their quorum requirements this year, balancing safety concerns with the need to conduct the annual business of the town, including setting a budget, before the start of the new fiscal year on July 1.
“One of my concerns is, even in June, people may be worried about coming out,” said Ms. Rand. “I think this is worth pursuing . . . to get town business done.”
Town counsel Ron Rappaport outlined the plea, which he said would be a one-time relief, specific to the annual town meeting on June 23. Mr. Manter asked Mr. Rappaport if superior court has the authority to rule over a town bylaw.
“I have the same question,” Mr. Rappaport said, adding that he will follow the model of the town of Marblehead, which recently went to court to reduce its quorum. Mr. Rappaport said a Dukes County superior court judge could decide differently.
Doug Ruskin, a member of the town finance committee, worried that reducing the quorum could discourage voters from showing up. And he raised concerns at the prospect of 30 voters making decisions for the entire town.
But Ms. Rand said voters will only be making decisions on vote on articles that selectmen believe are essential, as town leaders are working to reduce the number of warrant articles to necessary spending items. All other warrant articles will be postponed to a special town meeting in the fall.
“It’s stuff that the town needs to get done in order to move forward . . . into the beginning of the new fiscal year,” Ms. Rand said. “Some of them may be essential projects that we have planned and cannot wait until fall.”
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