The fate of the public tennis courts off Church street in downtown Vineyard Haven remains undecided, after selectmen agreed Tuesday to ask the town historic commission and open space committee for ideas about what to do with the courts.

Concerned residents had circulated a letter via email after news surfaced that the courts might be demolished to make way for a new parking lot, and more than 50 residents tuned into the Tuesday selectmen’s meeting by teleconference. But selectmen said any concern was premature.

“We weren’t ready to go to it with a bulldozer tomorrow morning, though people might have thought that,” said selectman Jeff Kristal.

The Norma Chase clay courts are named for the former longtime town resident who was director of the courts for 33 years, overseeing their maintenance and use, including tennis lessons for children. Norma Chase died in 2011.

Selectmen said the tennis courts were part of a larger discussion about reconfiguring traffic flow through downtown. They described the courts as underutilized, not well maintained and an eyesore. Kirk Metell, member of the parks and recreation committee, said the courts cost about $10,000 a year to maintain. He also estimated a complete rebuild would cost about $150,000, and said the courts generate little to no money in revenue through key sales.

Selectmen said they are seeking Community Preservation Committee funds to help cover the costs of renovation, the extent of which has yet to be determined. They also floated the idea of converting the courts to a pickleball court or a community garden.

In the end the board decided to ask the historic commission and open space committee to develop a plan and ideas for use of the property that can be presented at a selectmen’s meeting in two weeks.

As part of the discussion on traffic, selectmen also discussed the issue of taxis near the Steamship Authority terminal and whether they should relocate. The board decided to appoint a task force consisting of police, town officials and taxi drivers to develop a plan.

“It’s important to lay the groundwork and give taxi people time to think about what we are considering and get back to us,” selectman James Rogers said.

The meeting ran for five hours and included a detailed review of warrant articles for the annual town meeting. The head of the town business association attended the meeting and asked selectmen to start a conversation on reopening businesses, setting guidelines for delivery and potentially closing Main street to traffic to allow open air dining a few nights a week.

“We are hopeful that the Island doesn’t further regulate businesses above and beyond what comes down from the state level,” said association president Sarah York, who is the general manager for CB Stark Jewelers.

Selectmen said they would include the business association in discussion of downtown matters in the future.

“I urge you to continue to develop the concept in how it would actually work in practice,” selectman Melinda Loberg told Ms. York.

The board appointed Savannah Barnes and Cory Medeiros as summer traffic officers, and named Justin Lucas assistant building inspector to work alongside building inspector Ross Seavey.

Selectmen also approved $8,935 to buy a new boat engine for the town shellfish constable.