After a tremendous amount of planning and preparation, Chilmark was the first Island town to host town meeting and town elections. Jennifer Christy and Tim Carroll, along with a number of other contributors, devised a plan to keep the town progressing in what’s referred to as the new normal fashion. I’m not sure the basketball court at the CCC has ever looked so organized. Usually, I envision it crowded with children riding scooters or camp kids playing some wild game that involves dousing each other in oatmeal or shaving cream.

Thank you to our moderator, Everett Poole, for managing quite well despite the added oddity of so many masked faces.

A week ago MVRHS seniors signed in to their last Zoom class of their high school career. Although the official graduation ceremony will not take place until July, on Sunday June 7 (the day graduation would have taken place) a parade of honking horns, lights, sirens, signs and more streamed by the graduates who lined up along Beach Road. It was a remarkable showing of kindness and excitement for all, including Chilmark kids: Dash Christy, Julia Gomes, Kieran Karabees, Thea Keene, Adam Knight, Solon Oliver, Evanna Quinn and Delilah Quinones.

Congratulations to Alicia Knight who received a certification in school principalship. Job well done, Alicia.

Jane Slater and Dianne Smith have been distance strolling Basin Road. It’s the perfect spot to get a little exercise and grab a little chit chat along the way. Jane, almost without missing a step, shared that Caleb, Chris and Celia Slater will visit this weekend. It’s almost guaranteed there will be fish on the dinner table if the tides and winds are agreeable to boating.

Jane also mentioned the sad news that Jane Neumann will not travel to her Chilmark home for the summer. The challenges of pandemic travel are just too much. Jane, if you’re reading, I will miss you dearly.

Billie Hancock made the trip north from her home in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. home. She’s been out and about strolling Basin Road, spending time on Menemsha Beach, catching up with daughter Buffy and grandson Christian and looking forward to visiting with more friends and family.

Jack Russo was once first mate for Captain Paul MacDonald on Shearwater, but now he has earned the title of Captain. Setting gear from his seafoam green hulled vessel Miss Maggie has been both exciting and a bit nerve wracking. Congratulations, Jack. You’ve got this.

Paul and Karen DiMaura are back at their Crick Hill home overlooking the harbor.

Beetlebung Farm stand, under the watchful eyes of Robin Hackett and Julia Matejcek, is open for the season. The entrance is in its usual place on Middle Road, but there is a little extra signage offering social distancing guidance while on the property. Greens are good.