Friday afternoon he made the trip to Menemsha Texaco to pick up his derby button. This is something he's done annually for as long as we can remember. Just like many fathers, he would rouse his son out of bed and take him out in search of quality time together, a sense of adventure and just maybe "the big one." At the age of 92, the table has turned for Carl Leaf and now, it's his son Gus who makes the effort to get dad out on the water. In the early morning fog, the father and son set out from Menemsha in search of quality time, an adventure and the big one. They accomplished the first two no problem. They landed some beautiful fish and, although Carl’s wasn’t the big one, it was worthy of a trip to the weigh in. Adventure, camaraderie, family, dedication, perseverance — all things the derby exemplifies — are represented here.

Vivian Marie Romano was welcomed into our community on Sept. 24 by big sisters Fiona and Zuri Brown along with her parents Aretha Taylor and Jonathan Romano. She weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces at birth. The party of five is happily at home already starting the memory making process. Proud grandmother, Kate Taylor, is dancing in the stars, happy too.

Covid put a damper on travel plans of many this past summer. One person I missed seeing was Jane Neumann and her eye-catching buttery yellow Volkswagen bus. Recently, I have had the pleasure of connecting by email — a pen pal if you will. I’m tempted to throw a few snail mail correspondences into the mix. As you know, mailboxes these days infrequently see items that are handwritten and personal. I digress. Jane is well and filling her time helping friends coordinate estate sales and such. Her written words are so similar to those she speaks. If I were to close my eyes I would likely hear her voice in my head, but then I wouldn’t be able to read them so I’ll just keep my eyes open.

If you’re looking for something to pass the time Thursday, Oct. 8, be sure to power up your computer and Zoom along with the Chilmark Library at 5 p.m. for the film screening of Borderland — The Life and Times of Blanche Ames Ames. She was a leader of the women’s suffrage movement in Massachusetts who was not afraid to shock polite society. Email Tracy Thorpe at to get the link.

Ava Stearns, daughter of Sarah Doyle and Bret, along with her Auburn University equestrian teammates, have been named the Southeastern Conference number one team for 2020. They finished the year with a 13-0 overall record.

Every once in a while I hear from Russell Cleary. He shares a story and often times he has a picture to attach, too. It was Oct. 5, 1997, he, Kathy, and Bob Flanders were fishing the derby aboard the Skipjack. Before the day was over, the engine broke down, and the helpful crew of the Taking Time gave them a tow to Menemsha. Paul and Beth Mayhew were that helpful crew. Bob Flanders was my children’s great-great uncle. I enjoy Russell’s stories. They help keep our connection to the past, although 1997 wasn’t all that long ago, which oftentimes explains why things are the way they are. Russell’s connection to the Skipjack’s original engine changed that day. Soon after, although he was told it might be an easy fix once the engine was lifted up, he lifted it right up and out of the boat and replaced it with a new one.