Dukes County Sheriff Robert Ogden traveled to Gillette Stadium in Foxborough Tuesday to pick up donations for Island veterans in need, at a gathering of law enforcement officials from across the state in support of the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation Inc.'s Coats4Vets program, according to an announcement from the sheriff's office.
The donations came in the form of 10 buckets, each filled with a new winter coat, masks, hand sanitizer and food items for underserved veterans, supplied by Coats4Vets, a program of the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation, with support from Ocean State Job Lot Charitable Foundation and Home Depot.
“We are pleased for the opportunity to deliver these donations to the Dukes County Veteran’s Agent, as well as Martha’s Vineyard Community Services’ Veteran’s Services program.” Sheriff Ogden said in a statement, stated. “We must never forget our veterans' sacrifice in service to our country and understand the heavy burden of war they still carry. They are an often-overlooked population who deserve our support.”
For more information about local services for veterans, visit dukescounty.org/veterans-services-officer and mvcommunityservices.org/services/veterans-services.
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