After a recent complaint from a resident, the town of Tisbury is preparing to resume enforcement of its snow removal bylaw, which imposes fines on landowners who do not clear sidewalks bordering their properties.

“There are definitely some large swaths of area that aren’t shoveled,” building inspector Ross Seavey said at Tuesday night’s select board meeting. “It is a safety hazard.”

Snow-covered sidewalks endanger all pedestrians and especially those with disabilities, Mr. Seavey said.

The bylaw requires sidewalks to be cleared within four hours after snow has stopped falling, or by 11 a.m the following day if snowfall ends at night.

It was updated in 2011 to increase the fine from $20 to $50 for a first offense, with a $75 fine for a second offense and $100 imposed for third and subsequent violations.

“I think the bylaw probably hasn’t been enforced regularly, and since we haven’t had much snow it hasn’t been thought about,” said Mr. Seavey, who is in his second winter as the town’s building inspector.

Public works director Kirk Metell said this year his department has been contracting out sidewalk snow removal for heavily trafficked areas such as State Road, but that his main focus has been ensuring safe access at the Tisbury School.

“There is only so much we can do with our means that we have in place,” he said. “It’s a daunting task.”

The downtown area is a patchwork of cleared and uncleared sidewalks, Mr. Metell said.

“The majority of the business owners down there do a great job, but .. there are businesses that aren’t open,” he said.

Mr. Seavey recommended giving advance notice to property owners that the bylaw will be enforced.

“I think we should be reminding people, especially the people who don’t live here year-round, so they can make plans to hire someone,” he said.

Mr. Seavey said he would work with finance director Jon Snyder to include a notice with property tax bills, which are mailed in June and December.

The state Department of Transportation continues to drag its feet on the Beach Road project, according to a report from town administrator Jay Grande, who said the DOT has been working from engineering plans that don’t accurately show the water lines along the roadway.

“I don’t know how they did this,” said Mr. Grande. “I’m worried someone will be injured . . . if the road continues to be undermined.”

The state also has informally suggested that Tisbury assume more of the cost of the work, Mr. Grande said.

Any additional shared costs would need to be negotiated, Mr. Grande said.

The town has another meeting with MassDOT coming up, he said. “We’re monitoring it closely and trying to get the answers.”

Meeting jointly with the school committee, selectmen set a special town meeting for June 13 at 1 p.m., with the sole business a $55 million borrowing article for the Tisbury School renovation and addition.

The two bodies also accepted the school building committee’s approved design for the project, created by Tappé Architects, with an estimated cost of $53.2 million.

The school committee and select board will meet jointly again March 9 to discuss the warrant article in detail, as well as plans for a temporary school on town-owned property at 55 William street.

Among other business Tuesday, oysterman Greg Martino received permission to use the Owen Park pier to pick up customers for aquaculture tours and businessman Trip Barnes received an extension through Dec. 31 of his license to sell vehicles, which had been on hold since the beginning of the year due to town concerns about safety at Mr. Barnes’s State Road property. Selectmen agreed to further discuss the conditions of Mr. Barnes’s license at an upcoming meeting.

The board also began its review of warrant articles for the annual town meeting June 12. The town election will be held June 22.