April 16 is the day Brooks makes that legal transition from boy to man. It certainly sounds cliché, but it truly feels like yesterday that his little 8 pound, 4 ounce body was in my arms. Although he will always receive my unconditional love I must say it’s time to curb his irritating teen tendencies. Yes, I had to throw something silly in here to counteract the sappy. Brooks, 18 is an age of discovery. I hope your journey is an unforgettable adventure.

Happy birthday to Westley Wlodyka who also celebrates on April 16.

Laia Roig is an Edgartown School teacher by day and an impressive artist by night. She has some amazing block prints, including the newest that tells the story of the legend of Katama.

Babies are a remarkable addition to the world. Ross McDowell and Sophia Guymer brought a new little boy, Jackson Dylan McDowell, into their family on Friday, April 9. Although they live in Southern California with a toddling big brother, Reno, paternal grandparents Scott McDowell, Annette Cingle and Shakti Reynolds are all here in town and, of course, anxious to meet the new little lad. Congratulations and welcome.

Former Menemsha Coastie, Joe Queen and his bride Maggie, announce the birth of their first child, Jolene, who was brought into the world on March 31 in Charleston, S.C. Welcome, little one.

Jay Lagemann has put a fresh coat of paint on his reading dog sculpture. It will be moving to Main street in Falmouth to enjoy its new spot in front of the bookstore. He’s been working on a 10-year-old swinging Jenny which will move to Falmouth as well.

Jake Waters-Maciel caught his first schoolie bass this past week. That’s a sure sign the northbound spring migration of bigger fish is underway.

Although April 17 has been deemed the official Earth Day clean-up date, we should really be cleaning up all year round. Volunteers from VCS and other Island groups will be at various Island beaches on April 17 coordinating the annual clean-up event. As a little incentive to get out there and pick up, the folks at Vineyard Conservation Society are offering prizes for snapshots of the coolest, grossest and most unusual things you find on the beach. It’s easy enough to document and email to info@vineyardconservation.org.

Some years ago, Tim Carroll and Glenn DeBlase traveled to our sister Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, to offer firefighting guidance. There’s been a kindred spirit between our Island and theirs dating back to at least the 19th century, but in 2014 the bond became official. As you likely know, SVG suffered a catastrophic volcanic eruption last week. Vineyard Haven resident, Beka El-Diery started a GoFundMe to offer some financial support as they navigate this major challenge. It can be found at: gofundme.com/f/volcano-relief-fund-for-the-stvincent-wi?qid=f57e0c30d77933c8b9d4272a42c8172c.

Jenna Petersiel has cracked open the doors of the Chilmark Tavern and begun prepping for a mid-May opening. Betsy and Kristine did the same at Larsen’s Fish Market and eagerly await the annual turning on of Menemsha Water Company supply to rinse the cobwebs off, so to speak.

I’ve also spotted the Seward’s truck parked alongside Creekville Gallery and, although the window is papered over, I could envision them sorting their collection of treasures to offer once the doors are officially open. Kara Merry has been puttering in Pandora’s Box preparing for her spring opening as well.

Pete Lambos, manager of the newly formed Martha’s Vineyard Seafood Collaborative utilizing the former Menemsha Fish House space, has been cleaning out and prepping the building for spring wholesale fish market operations.

After wintering in Menemsha, it’s business as usual for Stanley and Lanette at Menemsha Fish Market, Scott and Annette at the Copperworks, Everett at the Chandlery and for us at Menemsha Texaco. A seasonal visitor has, however, reappeared on Squid Row alongside the usual coffee klatch. Howard Harrison has made his way north from sunny F-L-A to his Flanders Lane home bringing with him plenty of conversation to share.