Do you wish you could preserve your footprints on this planet by somehow tucking away your stories, moments and experiences?
As we look back, we may find that life has been both ordinary and extraordinary, depending on the way you choose to reflect. I often wonder if someone in the future will be interested in what life was like during our lifetime. I have always enjoyed hearing the stories from my elders. After a conversation with a friend who mentioned she wasn’t a writer but loved a good prompt for a story, I had a thought. Just like collecting fireflies and seashells in Mason jars for your window sill, why not begin the month of June by filling jars? Jot down a note and drop it in. Grab a shell, a small stone or a wildflower from an adventure and use it as a prompt to tell the story later. Set your jar aside and pick it up come winter. Dust off the cobwebs and take a walk down memory lane as you wander your way through the trinkets and notes you placed in there. It may just prompt some smiles, laughter or even a trickling tear.
Chris and Jen Yeomans made their way to town for a visit from their home on Marathon Key. They strolled the dock, toodled about, visited with Sylvia Yeomans, the Boyd family and more after a visit with Jen’s family in New Hampshire. Well wishes to Roland, Jen’s dad, who suffered a fractured hip.
Lydia Fischer is going like gangbusters in the garden at Menemsha Crossroad. It’s going to look glorious once her flowers are in bloom. Right now she has a fabulous assortment of tomato plants for sale along with a few other veggies and flowers. She was kind enough to deliver my order to me and I was serious when I explained that the plants, in their beautiful shades of green, looked the best they were going to since my non-green thumb would likely do them in. You think I’m joking, don’t you?
Caitlin Cook’s Body Snack is a fun and energetic class fusing cardio, Pilates and dance moves to focus on breath, strength, flexibility, alignment and rhythm. It is now held in person at India Rose’s shop Sideline at 49 Main street, Vineyard Haven. Caitlin is a dancer, garden girl, surfer and the mother of teen Maeve Cook Martin. She looks forward to seeing you on Saturday mornings at 8:30. Check out the details at
I’ll share the whole scoop once the marvelous event is done, but just an FYI: the Chilmark School’s fifth graders will be celebrating their move up to middle school on June 11. My amazing niece Emme is a fifth grader so I plan to interview her and get her take on the whole event.
Ruby Dix, middle child of Rebecca Miller and Matthew Dix, made her way across the stage at Bennington College in honor of her graduation. She will be sowing seeds, picking veggies and doing all things farm with her family at North Tabor Farm this summer. After the season she plans to venture across the country in her 1974 Dodge Sportsman van. Give her a wave as she scoots around town in one of the sweetest rides I’ve seen recently.
Graham Stearns, son of Sarah Doyle and Bret, is a junior at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and having a stellar lacrosse season in his capacity as goalie. According to a write up in the Cape Cod Times, he’s a player to keep your eye on. He is averaging more than 16 saves per game and stopping 68.5 per cent of the shots he faces. Go Graham.
Yippee for the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School graduates who will celebrate at class night on Friday, June 4 and graduation on Sunday, June 6. It’s been a treacherous school year, so I look forward to sharing a few details next week.
The annual Chilmark Community Church’s Blessing of the Fleet was rained out, so mark your calendar for July 4 as the new date for the event.
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