Two grants totaling $2.6 million dollars will benefit low and moderate-income homeowners and parents on the Island through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Lieut. Gov. Karyn Polito announced.

The two community development block grants were secured by Bailey Boyd Associates, a Cape-based agency active in securing grants for community development initiatives, including on the Vineyard. The funding will provide up to $50,000 for necessary home repairs and $6,000 per child for childcare costs for working homeowners and families.

The grants will benefit 45 homeowners and 65 working families in all six Island towns.

Bailey Boyd president Alice Boyd told the Gazette that the aim of the funding, granted to Vineyard towns repeatedly over the years, is to help working families keep up with building codes, make necessary repairs and alleviate the cost of childcare.

“We’re trying to keep as many affordable homes [as possible] available to Islanders,” Ms. Boyd said.

Childcare funding is available for use at any licensed childcare program on the Island.

“With Covid it’s been kind of tough with parents working at home,” Ms. Boyd said. “It’s really for parents to be able to work and afford childcare.”

Ms. Boyd said the need for funding is especially prominent on Martha’s Vineyard.

“It’s really the need on the Island — the cost of living on the Island,” she said.

Ms. Boyd praised the program and officials in the six towns, who year after year work hard to secure funding for low and moderate-income families.

“It keeps people in their homes, which is what we’re all about,” she said.

Residents interested in the housing rehabilitation program should contact Melissa Vincent, executive director of The Resource Inc. (TRI), at 508-696-3285 or via email,

Residents interested in the childcare subsidy program should contact Carol Bergen of Bailey Boyd Associates at 508-430-4499.