Bob and Marvene O’Rourke are again osprey spotting for ornithologist Rob Bierregaard, who has been tracking and recording an Island census of the raptors for 25 years. More than 100 nests dot the Vineyard on man-made poles, phone lines, tall trees and sometimes house chimneys.

Chappaquiddick is the epicenter of the population; last year the O’Rourkes located 34 nests. Many nesting active pairs parented numerous offspring through the April-to-August season. So far, they have found eight nests and four paired birds this year. One of which is near the Chappy Ferry. They welcome any help in the 2022 count. Contact them with sightings and, especially, locations of nests: Bob and Marvene O’Rourke, 508-627-7902, 

At last! Potluck diners have returned to the Chappy Community Center. The first is next Tuesday, April 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. Mark your calendar for one also on Tuesday, May 10.

YogiJay is taking a well-deserved rest but he has two very qualified substitutes scheduled. As usual, yoga is on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. The April 17 session is with Colleen Macgnusa. Eliza Hull leads classes on April 24 and May 1. See the Chappy Community Center website for more information. Summer activities are beginning to appear on the calendar. Check it often.