Good news! Chappaquiddick Community Center potlucks are starting again. The first one of the season is on Tuesday, Sept. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring a dish to serve six. Plan to hang around to help clean up if you have the time. It’s all part of the socializing.
Yoga and mahjong continue into September. Keep an eye on the community center happenings with Instagram, Facebook and the center’s website. The staff of the center provided a busy summer of activities and is already planning next year. Remember the Chappaquiddick Community Center at tax time. It is a nonprofit with 501c3 status. Donations can be made to a specific fund of your choosing.
If you want to know what’s in store for the future of the Chappy Ferry, come to the monthly Zoom meeting of the Chappy Ferry steering committee on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. There have already been a couple dozen meetings since the committee was appointed by the Edgartown select board several years ago. The committee is eager to hear from the ferry-riding public.
These meetings are your opportunity to express your concerns about your lifeline to Chappy. The select board is represented by town administrator James Hagerty. Sally Snipes and I are there in the capacity of owners of the ferry. Other members are Rick Schifter, Rick Biros, Peter Getsinger, John Dropick, Bill Brine, Tom Tilghman and Dana Strayton. You are likely to know at least one of those members.
The committee’s mandate is to figure out how the ferry can best serve the community now and sustainably into the future. The discussions have ranged over a wide spectrum, covering all aspects of access to Chappy from ferry ownership to building a bridge.
Complaining later might be satisfying but being part of the planning now is much more constructive. The link to the Zoom meeting will be on the town of Edgartown’s website 48 hours prior to the meeting. Google Town of Edgartown, select the agendas tab, then the year, then the month, then Chappy Ferry steering committee. The agenda and the link for the meeting will appear. Click on the link to attend.
The select board meeting years ago that created the steering committee was packed with concerned Chappaquiddickers spilling out into the hallway. I have seen only a very few of those faces in the Zoom meetings. I’m baffled at the lack of interest now that the issues brought up back then are actually being addressed. The meetings only last one hour, once a month and are attended from the comfort of your home.
Providing appropriate ferry service for all Chappy citizens can only happen with the participation of those citizens. I look forward to seeing you in the meeting on Sept. 15 at 5 p.m.
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