Plans to install two inductive electric bus chargers on Music street in West Tisbury hit a snag last week, after the town select board pushed back on a proposed location change.

Originally, a transformer for the project was to be placed at town hall. The new plan, presented by Vineyard Transit Authority administrator Angie Gompert, was a response to limits on Eversource’s construction practices which Ms. Gompert said they were unaware of earlier in the planning process.

“I don’t know why, in Massachusetts, utility companies have as much muscle as they do,” she said. “There’s a lot of restrictions, and a lot of those rules don’t come in until after the application...which is frustrating.”

Select board members were not on board with the new location, which they said would potentially block a view to the town playground.

“It’s cluttering up a beautiful open space” said board member Skip Manter, a concern echoed by chairman Cynthia Mitchell.

“It is, if not a sacred vista, certainly a happy one,” Ms. Mitchell said.

The board asked Ms. Gompert to explore an alternate option, perhaps moving the transformer closer to town hall.

Installing the wireless bus chargers is part of the VTA’s plan to have a fully electrified bus fleet by 2028. The transit authority installed wireless chargers earlier this year on Church street in Edgartown.

In other business, the board unanimously voted to reappoint Ernie Thomas for a one-year term on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.

“I think he’s doing a great job,” said Mr. Manter.

The board also voted to appoint Patrick Barrett as an associate member of the town ZBA.