The West Tisbury advisory board to the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank voted unanimously this week to approve a draft management plan for the Arrowhead Farm and Christiantown woods properties. The plan, which includes bringing together the properties’ trail systems, was met with resounding approval from members of the board and the public.

Located off Indian Hill Road, the 14.8 acre Christiantown Woods is composed of a southern and northern parcels, acquired in 1986 and 2019 respectively.

Arrowhead Farm was acquired for $4.43 from Robert Douglas, captain of the tall ship Shenandoah, and his wife Charlene, as part of a life estate, allowing the couple to reside on the property until their deaths.

Land Bank ecologist Julie Russell presented the plan, which involves using ancient ways to connect the properties, extending the trail at Arrowhead, removing invasive species and leasing one of the farm’s hayfields. Following the life estate, she said, the land bank would seek another active farmer for the property.

“I commend Julie and her colleagues on putting together another great overview and plan,” said West Tisbury resident David Foster.

Mr. Foster asked Ms. Russell about plans to improve the health of the stream at Arrowhead.

“It’s a tricky habitat in this particular area,” she responded, while also outlining future plans to remove an impoundment and improve shading over the stream to prevent evaporation after the life estate.

Prudy Burt, whose grandfather owned the farm during WWII, also commended the plan.

“He always said it was the best soil on the Vineyard,” she said. “I’m delighted to know that farming is in its future.”