Each week, as soon as I send a draft of my column in, I start thinking about what I’m going to write for the following week. Sometimes I pay attention to comings and goings around town and write notes to myself. Other times I don’t pay close attention and when it’s time to write I sit and stare at my computer screen for many more minutes than I should before I begin to type, erase and then type a little more.

Occasionally, I ask folks if they have anything to share. Most times, you — my friends and neighbors — say there is nothing worthy, but every once in a while you have some news. One of these tidbits of information came from, and is about, a West Tisbury neighbor.

When asked if he had anything he’d like me to put in print, Heikki Soikkeli blurted out, “Yes!” Not only did we talk about surfing and the monumental adventure my kiddo Brooks is having, but he mentioned April 1 is his birthday. At first I wondered if he was pulling my leg since April 1 is, as you know, April Fool’s Day. But he assured me it really is the anniversary of his birth day more than a handful of decades ago. So if you see him out and about, extend him well wishes, play a little prank in honor of the day or buy him a cup of black dark roast coffee, double-cupped.

Dave Tilton and Lynne Silva have been in town. Not only was March 27 Lynne’s birthday but Dave shared that he had and quickly recovered from heart surgery. He had a little valve work done and is feeling in tip-top shape, eager to get Noman’s Bound back out on to the fishing grounds.

Bret Stearns traveled to South Carolina where he connected with his daughter Ava. She and her Auburn University equestrian team defeated South Carolina 13-7 in the first day of the SEC Championship. Ava, as always, was a totally impressive rider and lucky dad was there to revel in it all.

Charlie Shipway ventured south last month to participate in the Sarasota Sailing Squadron’s Florida Sunfish Regional Championship. I don’t know all of the details but if you want to hear the full scoop give Charlie a shout. I do know that Coltrane Leport, son of Nancy and Darren, was a participant as well as another Menemsha Pond regular, Dan Karnovsky. Charlie was also in Florida for another event more recently. The Sunfish International Masters races were held at the Pensacola Yacht Club. He took to the waters with sail number 81715. Once again, Dan was there as well.

Most of you know I am big on mom hugs. Mom hugs are something we all can use from time to time and, on occasion, when your own mom is unavailable, I’m willing to open my arms and dish one out. For Chas and Phil Hollinger, a surrogate mom hug just wouldn’t do. Although they live in different states, Kathy Coe, who traveled from Connecticut along with her husband Tom Hollinger, was able to wrap her arms around both of her boy-men. For me, the best part was also being the recipient of a Kathy “mom hug.” The visit with her was pretty darn wonderful, too.

High fives all around to the participants in this year’s MV First Responders Finest vs. Bravest annual fundraising event. The puck dropped at 5:30 p.m. this past Saturday and, although the Finest (a.k.a. police) came out on top, it was a very respectable loss for the Bravest (a.k.a. fire/emergency medical services). Chilmarkers Katy Smith Markievitz took to the net and Belle Dinning wielded a stick for the Bravest. Harbormaster Ryan Rossi also had a stick in hand and did his best to play like he was a teenager again. Police chief and coach Sean Slavin was in attendance, along with many other familiar Chilmark faces — including paramedic Bradley Carroll — cheering their friends and neighbors on.

The big 3-0 is being celebrated on Friday, March 31 by Chilmark board of health assistant, Anna McCaffrey. Although she told me there wasn’t much fanfare planned, I am hopeful there will be flowers, cupcakes and other smile-worthy reasons for her to embrace the day. Happy birthday, Anna!