Prom. It’s a word that’s short for promenade, or the grand march beginning to an immensely important social event. Falmouth Academy sophomores, juniors and seniors promenaded into Soprano’s Casino By the Sea on Grand avenue in Falmouth on April 22. Amidst the gussied-up teens were Chilmark kids Clara Athearn and Oona Carroll along with Tisbury resident, but Chilmark School alum, Henry Redfield.

The group had a fabulous dinner and then indulged in local ice cream — but, when quizzed, Oona couldn’t recall the name of the shop. After getting extremely full the group posed for far too many silly pictures in the photo booth and boogied down to some rockin’ tunes blasted out by a DJ. The group had a whole lot of fun and wrapped things up around 10 p.m. which, although an hour past Chilmark midnight, is a very respectable time for the teens.

I have a super lovely picture of Oona, Clara and a couple of friends. Stop by the ol’ Texaco someday and I’ll proudly display it for you.

When April steps aside for May/Like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten;/Fresh violets open every day:/To some new bird each hour we listen. — Lucy Larcom

This past Tuesday morning was full of fun and frolic at the Chilmark School’s annual May Day celebration. This is a Chilmark School tradition that has stood the test of time.

Although it has evolved over the years, May Day continues to be about showing our community pride and spirit. After the children hid from their teachers for the traditional game of “find the children,” the May Pole was the centerpiece of the morning. The 4/5 students put on a glorious display with fun music, colorful ribbons and flowers. May baskets were played and I was so pleased to have one played on me. It’s a tradition that needs to be continued for generations to come.

May Day also marks the birthday of our beloved Barbara Murphy and Nancy Aronie. Aren’t these May 1 celebrants lucky to have such a sunshine-y day to eat cake?

Also celebrating this week, to name a few are my dear neighbor and brother in law Tim Carroll, Menemsha Crossroad’s Bill Smith, the youngest of my flower girls Sarah Jean Flanders, famous fisherman Wes Brighton and Steve Broderick, the proud grandfather of Hunter, Zeke and Duke.

May 1 is also noted as the opening day for summer visitors to Menemsha harbor to make reservations for their summer visits via the Dockwa reservation system used by the town. I know Mary Gibbons and Mike Curley are pretty excited to have their dates clearly locked in so the countdown to Menemsha sunsets can commence.

It was also the official opening day for lobstering in federal waters and the first hummingbird in Chilmark was spotted by Joannie and Pat Jenkinson in their North Road feeder.

May 2 was noteworthy in town politics. It marked the first of many select board meetings that Marie Larsen will participate in as our newly-elected board member. Congratulations. The town of Chilmark is very lucky to not only have had Warren Doty helping to oversee the town’s well-being for 24 years but to have had two worthy candidates vying for his seat on the board. Thank you to both Russell Maloney and Marie for their willingness to serve.

Trees, shrubs, plants and the lawn tucked behind the stone walls and nestled around Dan Leventritt’s Blue Barque have had a spring manicure. The vibrant yellow forsythia’s trim and subsequent shaping is particularly eye-catching. Be sure to slow down and give it a gaze as you make your way up and down South Road.

I’d only met her once but her vibrant personality was positively infectious. Her love of family, art, travel, museums, reading, friends of all ages, dance, music, theatre, food, wine and more made every day a joyful an exciting one. After 94 tremendous years, Jim Malkin’s mom Evelyn transitioned to living a full life on Earth to living on in her loved ones’ hearts. I’d like to extend my condolences not only to Jim and Joan but to Jessica, Greg, Luca, Anders and Estelle Mason.