A replica of the Amistad will be visiting our Island this weekend in honor of Juneteenth. Pass by our harbor to see it. Schools, banks and post offices will be closed on Monday.

In other boating news Gannon and Benjamin launched a newly-built, 26-foot sailboat called Marta on June 10.

The Oak Bluffs Harborfest will be held on Saturday, June 17. Bring your shovel and pail to the sand castle contest on the North Bluff. The castles will be judged in different age groups and a family group. Even we grown-ups who never tired of building castles in the sand will have our own category.

Saturday is also the day of the celebration of the life for Lori Robinson Fisher. Bring your smiles, memories, photos and food to the P.A. Club starting at 2 p.m. Lori was such an influence on us all.

John Crelan’s Arts and Society is hosting Bloomsday, a celebration of the works of James Joyce, at the Katharine Cornell Theatre on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Molly Conole and many of your friends and neighbors will be performing in this Joycean fest. Gerry Yukevich will be presenting work from Ulysses and Dubliners. John has been faithful to this endeavor for many years. Admission is $25. You may bring cash or check to the door or pre-purchase a ticket at Bunch of Grapes. I’ll see you there.

Teacher and writer Lynn Ditchfield has joined her talents with artist and illustrator Janice Frame in a new book, Borders to Bridges: Arts-Based Curriculum for Social Justice. Hear them speak about it at the West Tisbury Library on June 24 starting at 3:30 p.m.

Artist and photographer Louisa Gould is presenting many new works at her gallery on Main street, all most suitable for Father’s Day gifts. Take a look.

So many talented people on the Island!

Eric Poehler returned from his camping vacation in the White Mountains. That man has energy to spare. Retirement has not slowed him down at all.

I had a lovely conversation with Elaine Carroll in North Carolina last week. Yet another Island writer who has escaped our grasp in the cold months.

My Jamaican friend Dudley Haughton and his son Garfield checked in from their home in Georgia. Garfield is looking for a fishing visit here after Labor Day. He used to work on fishing boats in Louisiana. Both these men are great cooks. I am looking forward to this.

Anniversary bouquets went out to Robert and Kathy Laskowski on June 8. They celebrated 49 years together. Chris and Carol Kennedy partied last weekend for their 46th anniversary.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along Abby Hirsch on June 10 and on June 12 Ryan Fisher took the cake. Many happy returns.