Plenty of noteworthy events took place in 1940 and many are still occasional topics of discussion today.

Closer to home, the man who would become a favorite mentor, banker and surrogate father to more than his own two daughters was born. With family by his side, Edward (Ted) Elliott Mayhew, Jr. died at the age of 82 at his homestead perched atop DH’s Hill, overlooking his little slice of meadowy heaven on Mayhew Lane.

On Sunday July 2, cars filed in and parked as far as the eyes could see to mourn the loss and lay to rest this lifetime Chilmarker and town father. In traditional Chilmark fashion, a gathering at the Chilmark Community Center followed with an abundance of food, music, photos and stories. Ted, although his body wasn’t there, was in the middle of it all and, as one would assume, wearing a great big smiling and twinkling those joy filled eyes.

Ted is now eternally telling jokes, driving his classic Mustang and probably getting into a tiny bit of mischief with the old friends he is surrounded by at Abel’s Hill. My heart goes out to his wife Judy and daughters Becky and Sarah and their families.

As you may recall, Jacquie Renear was surrounded by family and friends a few short years ago in a standing room-only West Tisbury Library to celebrate the release of her book titled My Sister and I. Mrs. Renear smiled from ear to ear as she not only enjoyed conversation about her book, but as she shared quick little one on one memories with her former students who lined up patiently for a face to face hello.

She was Marshall’s kindergarten teacher in 1974-75 and when it was his turn in line, she recounted, “Marshall, I remember when you brought a fish to school!”

A few days ago, Mrs. Renear, at the age of 97, completed her adventure on Earth. One of the final conversations she had with her daughter Beth was what an honor it was to have been the oldest registered voter in the town of Chilmark. A celebration of Mrs. Renear will take place later this summer and a full obituary recounting the tales of this remarkable educator will find its way to the pages of a future edition the Vineyard Gazette. In the meantime, please share your memories. Her family would love to hear them.

Della Darling celebrated her 89th birthday on July 2. Scott and Linda Darling joined her from Downingtown, Pa. to celebrate. Della’s great- niece, Tara and her husband Ryan Rivard made a day trip from their new home in Littleton to help celebrate as well.

Scott and Linda and boys Kyle and Austin will visit in August, bringing their boat Slak Tide with them to enjoy the water and some fishing. Susan Greeley, her husband Michael and daughter Mary will visit later this month. Susan’s son Brendan and his wife Joyce sent along virtual birthday wishes since they are sticking close to home while awaiting the arrival of twins due any day now. Della’s son Peter, who lives in West Wareham, will have the pleasure of visiting on and off all summer.

With all of these comings and goings, as Scott said, “There’s no grass growing under the Darling/Greeley/Rivard feet any time soon.”

John Jacobs is here at his Mayhew Lane home for a spell from Littleton, Colo. He’s awaiting the arrival of his son Jake and daughter in law Cindy who are flying here in their antique light (as in weight, not incandescent, LED, halogen or flourescent) aircraft. I don’t have all of the details, but I’m sure once they are safely on the ground at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in the upcoming days, I will get more of the scoop from John.

Sadly, the visit planned by Jane Slater’s cousin Kerin Mosher from her home in Australia didn’t work out in the final hours. Although the cousins are disappointed, they will figure out and coordinate a rendezvous soon. Thank goodness for the telephone, email, FaceTime and Zoom.

I’m sure you’re all wondering why I haven’t mentioned Jane Neumann’s return to the Island yet even though she’s been on this hallowed ground for a few weeks. For me, it never feels real until I lay my own eyes on her. We’ve been, as they say, two ships passing in the night. But finally, I spotted her and her companion Bob Schmalz with my very own eyes. The stars have aligned and all is balanced in my world again.

Happy birthday to our West Tisbury neighbor, Cliff Athearn. He celebrated his 100th surrounded by family and friends. The gathering was a joyous one full of treasured tales.