I am looking at the radar and the night is full of rain. I am hoping there is sun at the end. We certainly have had a dreary summer and fungus is growing in most people’s yards. I read one of my friends’ posts, saying she has never had to mow this late into July. I agree: the lawns are very green.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past were. Big balloons go out to Tyler Batchelder and Veyda Pearl who celebrated on July 18, Talia Young on July 19, Victor Da Costa and Judah Levy on July 20, and to Dylan Long who celebrates on July 21.

Happy Birthday to Ellen Blodgett, who celebrated a milestone birthday on July 16. Her husband Mark and daughter Ella planned a party with family and friends and even made the cake and decorated it. Happy Birthday, Ellen, and here is too many more.

Welcome home to JJ Polleys, who is home after his freshman year at Brigham Young University in Idaho. JJ is happy to be home sleeping in his own bed, and spending time with his parents, Tina and Jonathan, and his sister Audrey.

The Vineyard Sound is performing a mid-season concert on July 29 at the Tabernacle. The group will be celebrating 31 years of concerts. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 for a two-hour concert with an intermission. It seems like yesterday when the first group just sang on the street corners, gathering crowds and then having a concert at the Old Whaling Church. They have come a long way and have always put on a great concert.

I was happy to spend some time with John Bruguiere and his wife Shelby this past weekend. They were here for the family gathering to remember his uncle, Jeff Norton. John and Shelby live in Roseland, Va. where John runs Dickie Brothers Orchard.

John and I worked together at Dukes County Savings Bank and he became fast friends with Ralph over their love of hunting and fishing. We have always kept in touch but it has been nine years since he and Shelby were here, so it was nice to spend some time together in person.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.