The humidity has given us a nice break and the windows can still be open. But with August you never know; the heat could escalate again. We will see.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Grace O’Hanlon who celebrated on August 7, Nicholas Gomes on August 9, and to Aher Bedo, Achshaph Braz and Cameron Lavigne who all celebrate on August 11.

Here we are at the busiest week of the summer: Illumination Night, the Agricultural Fair and the Oak Bluffs Fireworks.

Illumination is always a wonderful night, from the singalong to the line of people walking the circle to look at all the houses decorated with their lanterns, both modern and the old ones still lit with candles.

When I went with my parents many years ago, I remember running into Trinity Park, where the lanterns were strung in the trees, before any of the lanterns could be lit. I would wait for the first lantern to be lit, usually by the oldest resident in the Camp Ground, and then everyone else was able to light their lanterns.

Many of the lanterns are electric now but I can’t help to think about the firemen in the candle days praying for no wind and a safe night.

I saw on social media that the West Tisbury fire department has its booth set up at the fairgrounds. It has been their tradition for many years and the food is good, as you can see by the long line waiting to get their burgers.

The Fair is always the place to catch up with people you have not seen all summer and sometime longer than that. People are getting their projects finished to display in the hall in hopes they get a ribbon. Farmers are getting their animals spruced up for the display in the barn and for judging. Of course the horse pull is always a favorite. The kids are excited for the rides and the games, and there is a lot of people-watching to do.

The fireworks speak for themselves. Lots of people; the park is full; the band is playing; and people wait patiently for The Star Spangle Banner and then the fireworks are off with their spectacular flare.

What a week we have ahead. I hope you all whatever activity you choose. Most of all, be safe.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.