Do you remember the twenty-first night of September? Earth, Wind and Fire really hit the ball out of the park with that one back in 1978 and the funky R&B song is still a staple at many a wedding.

It wasn’t exactly the twenty-first but Sept. 23 is now the date Jessica Campbell and Michael Dullea will hold in their hearts as the day they pledged their love to one another in front of family and friends at the Captain Flanders House.

Although the rain may not have been the weather that was anticipated, it wasn’t a wrench in the works either. As I mentioned to Michael’s mom, Catherine, the rain brought everyone together under the tent and made things feel more intimate and cozy and memorable.

After Jessica was escorted down the aisles by her aunt Laura Campbell, dear friend and someone who very much is an aunt-like fixture in life Janet Weidner presided over the ceremony. Glancing around the room revealed many a teary-eyed face, including mine. I’ll admit it’s pretty emotional to see this next generation become full-fledged adults.

There was plenty of food, great conversation and with DJ Sterling Bishop spinning the tunes there was a heck of a lot of frolic and dancing.

After a honeymoon getaway, Jessica will return to Flanders Real Estate, Michael to the Chilmark police department and both to rescue pup, Lou.

A wedding is always a draw for townspeople who now live their lives in other locations. I was pleased to have the opportunity to catch up with Genevieve Flanders and Zach Tong who traveled from Vermont to celebrate Jess and Michael and have an opportunity to catch up with folks and do a little touring around. Gen’s sisters Sarah and Alison were of course pleased to have her here, even if only for a brief moment in time.

Andrew and Kimberlie Ruimerman also made an effort to travel from their home in Virginia for the occasion. Andrew’s folks Tom and Janet, along with brother Peter, were pleased to have their company and, of course, the manual labor. Many hands make light work when it comes to prepping for a wedding.

In addition to Chilmark being wedding central, the derby continues in full swing. The jetty is lined with familiar faces including those of Brad, Brian, Sarge and crew who travel from Pennsylvania, Colorado and more to reunite over fish. Brad is a big dirt fisherman as well — also know as metal detectorist — so he and Marshall have plenty of notes to compare.

Zac, Terry and Cindy Horrocks and Frankie Krempa have traveled from upstate New York for their annual derby-time visit. The weather hasn’t deterred Zac and Frankie from getting out on the water.

Dee and Buzz DeFelice are always a delight to visit with during their fall visit. They circumnavigated the Island on their boat Boney Toes in search of fish and came back having caught a really good time. The derby does bring out a sense of adventure and a true knack for storytelling.