Chappaquiddickers Bob Bottary and Jay Hunter are among the current grand leaders in the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. I like the way the derby listing uses the word “current.” Still a few days of fishing to go! Still anybody’s boat prize.
Mark your calendars for the Chappy Community Center potluck supper happening on Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Starting Sunday, Oct. 15, only one Chappy ferry will be in service. As in the past when the longer of the two boats is out of service, use of the so-called cut line is curtailed. On the advice of the Chappy Ferry steering committee, the Edgartown board of selectpersons has reduced the use of the cut line to only the school bus, U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, fire and police vehicles. Abbreviated ferry service will continue through the Thanksgiving weekend.
To cut down on the number of delays, consider using the shortest vehicle available to you and remove your trailer hitch, bike carrier or cargo carrier. Anything easily removable that makes your vehicle longer than necessary. That will make it more likely that your friends and neighbors get over sooner.
Keep an eye on tropical storm Philippe. Its effects will be felt over the coming weekend. Not likely to impact Chappy Ferry service but gusty enough to blow lawn furniture around.
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