The breach at Katama appears to be at the final stage of its existence. In its eastward migration, the end of Norton Point has overlapped the bluffs of Wasque, forming a narrow channel along the shoreline. When the tip of Norton Point reaches Muskeget Channel, the north-south currents there will smear sand across the narrow breach channel and Chappaquiddick will once again be attached to Martha’s Vineyard.
In past breach closures, the channel eventually becomes what is referred to as the swan pond. The time it takes for the breach to close is anybody’s guess.
Robert Bottary has held his spot on the derby leader board with a hefty 14.56-pound bluefish caught from shore. Next year maybe he’ll be fishing from his derby prize boat.
Haul-out time for the Chappy Ferry is fast approaching. Beginning this coming Sunday, only one ferry will be in service. The shorter of the two ferryboats will be handling the traffic alone.
To make the ferry waiting line move more quickly, use the shortest vehicle available to you when possible. If your trailer hitch isn’t rusted on, removing it may make just enough room on the boat to fit a third vehicle. The use of the cut line will be restricted to fire, police, school bus, Visiting Nurse Association, US mail, UPS and FedEx.
The next Chappy Community Center potluck supper is being held on Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. The printing of the community center’s 2024 calendar is in the works. Stay tuned.
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